Pewnego dnia spotkasz złodzieja, który zrobi wszystko, by skraść twoje serce… Kiedy jesteś studentką trzeciego roku prawa, ostatnim, czego pragniesz, jest wplątanie się w przestępczy świat. Właśnie ...
Od samego początku w latach 80. jako młodzi, fascynujący, nieokrzesani, głośni i nikomu nieznani, aż do ostatniego, sprzedającego się w milionach kopii albumu St.Anger (zawierającego utwór tytułowy, ...
They say one action doesn’t define you. I killed a man. Stabbed him in the neck and licked the blood off my lips after I did it. Still, one action doesn’t define you. I could have called anyone. My fa...
The smart, sassy, sexy sequel to THE FIDELITY FILES. Jennifer Hunter is an expert on men. She can tell if they're single, married or lying... Once a professional honey trap, she now runs a company whi...
What if you've let Mr Right slip through your fingers? Should you track him down again? The perfect, feel-good novel for any woman who's been tempted to look up her exes on Facebook ...
John Taylor, the PI with a knack for finding things, gets a visit from Walker-the powerful, never-to-be-trusted agent who runs the Nightside on behalf of The Authorities. He tells John he's dying, and...
Meet THE BEAR - a cat who carries the weight of the world on his furry shoulders, and whose wise, owl-like eyes seem to ask, Can you tell me why I am a cat, please? Like many intellectuals, The Bear ...
On a day when everything goes wrong for him, Alexander is consoled by the thought that other people have bad days too.
The first comprehensive history of the 1921 Cairo Conference which reveals its enduring impact on the modern Middle East Called by Winston Churchill in 1921, the Cairo Conference set out to redraw th...
How to keep your company from being blinded by its own successĹźand how to put a firm on the path to sustained greatness.Organisations must change to survive. But a blind commitment to success Ĺźformu...