Kultowe historie miłosne często kończą się dramatem. Romeo i Julia zginęli tragicznie. Jack poświecił się, by Rose przeżyła katastrofę słynnego statku. Czy bilans złamanych serc wzrośnie, gdy los poł...
Morze i zwierciadło oraz Tym czasom uznaje się za najwybitniejsze utwory angielskiego poety. Pierwszy z nich, pisany w czasie osobistego kryzysu, to poetycki komentarz do Burzy Szekspira, a zarazem ar...
Marzenie jest tym, co pozwala ci śnić, a cel jest czymś, co pozwoli Ci żyć. Time for Change to połączenie nowej psychologii motywacji z technikami i narzędziami perswazyjnymi. A wszystko po to, aby za...
In this volume, leading researchers bring together current work on time perception and time-based prospective memory in order to understand how people time their intentions. This is the first account ...
Running from a crazed man through the forest, stumbling through a time portal, and getting rescued by a knight in Regency armor is a perfect recipe for daydreams and swoon-worthy novels. For Celeste...
“You’re like the treasure box filled with all the laughter I’ve lost.” When social outcast Mercy Blagden accidentally cuts herself on an ancient ruby dagger, her blood mixes with the blood of a curs...
On the morning she will never forget, suburban teenager Cynthia Archerawakes with a nasty hangover and a feeling she is going to have an evennastier confrontation with her mom and dad. She isn't. Inst...
Volume IV: A Time for Searching. In 'A Time for Searching', Henry Feingold chronicles the turbulent period between 1920 and 1945--when Jews were poised to enter the mainstream of American life--and ex...
Dr. David Lawrence has spent the last two years atoning for his sins and recovering from the devastating breakup with Gansett Island golden girl Janey McCarthy. As the island's only doctor, he's had a...
It's summer and Nella is going on holiday - except the suitcase won't shut!Why's that? Nella unpacks a ball, a kite and a bucket and spade ... arubber ring and flippers ... and a dinghy too! Now the c...
Addy and Prue Fairweather live with Nell, their widowed mother, in a flat above her shop on the Scotland Road. The sisters, however, are very different. Addy is dark-haired, plain and always in troubl...
Good time management skills are crucial to anyone wanting to lead a more organised, effective and efficient life, be that at work or at home. For people who want to progress in their careers, by getti...
This set contains: 9780471395669 SAS System for Forecasting Time Series, Second Edition by John C. Brocklebank, David A. Dickey and 9780471653974 Introduction to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting b...
Emotional literacy has become an important issue in schools, and the ethos behind Circle Time is complimentary to the thinking behind this. The Social, Emotional and Behavioural Skills curriculum (SEB...
After ten long years of education and residency, Dr. Emmy MacKenzie decides that it's time for a much-deserved vacation. But when traveling the British Isles, a twist of fate at the gates of the anci...
Ain’t nothin’ says the holidays like the smell of cadaver. Before now, I never heard of a Christmas tree causin’ anyone trouble. I’d blame Sam, but hell, I was with her when we bought it. Still, I s...
As Havok and Polaris take the reins of X-Factor Investigations, the Isolationist makes his chilling return! Then, when someone or something begins eviscerating super heroes in Seattle, X-Factor is cal...
It is a troublesome fact on which even Mma Ramotswe and her assistant MmaMakutsi agree: there are things that men know and ladies do not, and viceversa. It is unfortunate, for example, when Mma Ramots...
Time Saver Standards for Urban Design, in the tradition of the Time-Saver Standards series, is the world's foremost professional reference on the physical design of cities and urban places including c...
Since its release in 1946, this has been one of the most widely recognized and respected resources for architects, engineers, and designers, bringing together the knowledge, techniques, and skills of ...
This book will help to improve confidence and help part-time and distance learning students to build on the skills and experience gained at work. Throughout the book examples are included using real l...
This practical new book provides much-needed, practical, hands-on experience capturing analysis and design in UML. It holds the hands of engineers making the difficult leap from developing in C to the...
The open source nature of Linux has always intrigued embedded engineers, and the latest kernel releases have provided new features enabling more robust functionality for embedded applications. Enhanc...
The econometric analysis of economic and business time series is a major field of research and application. The last few decades have witnessed an increasing interest in both theoretical and empirical...
A collection of articles written by Margaret Wheatley, covering a very wide and diverse scope of topics. From leadership, to raising children in turbulent times, to specific organizational techniques....
Real-time and embedded systems developers face unique challenges. The systems they design must use very limited processor and memory resources optimally to meet mission-critical and high reliability r...
Model-based development methods, and supporting technologies, can provide the techniques and tools needed to address the dilemma between reducing system development costs and time, and developing incr...
Ideal intermediate-level book for programmers to turn to once they have read the introductory books. Identifies what can go wrong and provides refactored solutions for each pitfall complete with code....
As a correspondent for the French newspaper Le Monde, world-renowned economist Thomas Piketty has documented the rise and fall of Trump, the drama of Brexit, Emmanuel Macron’s ascendance to the French...