Tequila Sunset

Moira Rogers
Tequila Sunset
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Looking for submission. Detective and werewolf Zack Elliott visits Last Call to satisfy his need to dominate, but it doesn't satisfy his unrequited love for a woman he can't have. Still, he's managed to keep his desire for her under control...until a chance encounter in their apartment building sends him back to the bar for relief. Iris has spent the last two decades living a strict life of self-denial as New York City's only demon social worker. She lives in fear of the power inside her, and the dark needs that tempted her down a dangerous road before. But love and need are leading her down that path again, and her only hope is to give in to the man she loves and trust that he's strong enough to keep her safe from the darkness inside.  
Data wydania: 2009-04-20
ISBN: 978-1-60521-109-1, 9781605211091
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Changeling Press
Cykl: Last Call, tom 4

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