Książka ta to dawno niewznawiany tytuł Łysiaka. Wspomnienia autora o Stanach i Amerykanach - i tych prawdziwych - Indianach, i tych napływowych. Podróż odbyta starym fordem - "junkiem", raczej z dala ...
Ta niewielka książeczka przetłumaczona na 120 języków świata, zawdzięcza swoją poczytność temu, ze prowadzi do osobistego kontaktu z Bogiem, a przez to do wewnętrznego pokoju. W sposób przystępny wyja...
Zbeletryzowana biografia Ewarysta Galois, francuskiego geniusza matematycznego, twórcy nowożytnej teorii równań algebraicznych, którą opracował mając szesnaście lat. Galois brał czynny udział w życiu...
King Zeir had it all, a prosperous kingdom, a fated mate and the love of his people. But when his mate dies he goes half mad with grief and transforms into his dragon form. Unable to get past his sorr...
Author of the hugely popular Rachel's Holiday and Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married, Marian Keyes is back swinging the doors of heartache and hilarity with Last Chance Saloon. Meet Tara, the rapidly ex...
Time-travellers, aliens, and a host of others find their way to Callahan's, and the result is as full of humor, wit and sensitivity as anything you have ever read... Contents: The Guy with the Eyes (...
Differential Galois theory studies solutions of differential equations over a differential base field. In much the same way that ordinary Galois theory is the theory of field extensions generated by s...
Ever since the concepts of Galois groups in algebra and fundamental groups in topology emerged during the nineteenth century, mathematicians have known of the strong analogies between the two concepts...
Desperately single thirtysomething men and women populate Keyes's breezy novel. Childhood friends Tara, Katherine, and Fintan muddle along, dealing with the indignities and inconveniences we all face-...
An introduction to one of the most celebrated theories of mathematics Galois Theory covers classic applications of the theory, such as solvability by radicals, geometric constructions, and finite fiel...
Beth Ann Williamson has finally had it with her on-and-off fiancé of nine years. The problem? No one in town seems to believe her when she says it’s really over. Now Beth Ann is determined to show the...