Poznaj urzekający romans Friends - to - Lovers, który stał się hitem tiktoka! Bree Camden, beznadziejnie zakochana w swoim przyjacielu i gwieździe futbolu Nathanie Donelsonie, nie chce tkwić we fr...
Jestem Żmijak Jadowitek, a moje użądlenie jest równie śmiertelne jak ukąszenie czarnej wdowy. Zanim ta historia się rozpoczęła, zdołałem użądlić jednego z bohaterów. (Mam nadzieję, że nie był to Wasz ...
Genialna, bezczelna, kontrowersyjna, a jednak diabelnie skuteczna Dupkologia, czyli nauka rozpychania się łokciami zajmuje już należne jej miejsce w kanonie literatury dla profesjonalnych dupków. Dzię...
"This is easily the most courageous and personal business book since Bill George's Authentic Leadership. I hope it's message is embraced worldwide".Charles Decker, author, Lessons from the HiveNext ti...
Creative solutions without the filler. That is what you get from this practical guide to enhancing your titles, motion graphics and visual effects with Motion. Step-by-step instruction is concisely de...
How to Cheat in Photoshop CS3 "An invaluable guide to creating impressive montages from your digital photographs. Composed primarily of step-by-steps, this tome is packed with useful shortcuts and tim...
This is the perfect guide if VoIP engineering is not your specialty. It is the perfect introduction to VoIP security, covering exploit tools and how they can be used against VoIP (Voice over IP) syste...
Enabling designers and animators to get even more out of Adobe Flash CS3, this book shows users step by step how to work from the problem to the solution when creating Flash animations. Information is...
Linux servers now account for 33 percent of all networks servers running worldwide (Source: IDC). The top 3 market share holders in the network server space (IBM, Hewlett-Packard, and Dell) all use Li...
Do you want to let your creativity run wild in Photoshop, but don't know where to start? Are you having trouble getting your ideas out of your head and onto the screen? Do you need your photomontages ...
This is the perfect reference for the Multitasked SysAdmin. The Microsoft Windows Vista operating system offers several changes and improvements over its predecessors. It not only brings a new and red...
The creative guide to montage and effects in Photoshop Elements 7
Here's a book you'll want to keep close to your workstation, with important workflow techniques in an attractive and accessible format. Remember that computer visualization is all fake, so "cheating" ...
Need to solve problems quickly to develop creative projects to time and to budget? Want to hone your Flash skills so you can concentrate on your animation? Then How to Cheat in Flash is for you! Chris...
Need to get results with 3ds max fast? Why take months to learn every button in 3ds max when you can create great visuals with just a few key tools? Learn to create quick yet stunning special effects,...
Wireless connectivity is now a reality in most businesses. Yet by its nature, wireless networks are the most difficult to secure and are often the favorite target of intruders. This book provides the ...
According to Microsoft, Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 is a web server that provides a secure, easy to manage platform for developing and reliably hosting Web applications and services. With...
RFID is a method of remotely storing and receiving data using devices called RFID tags. RFID tags can be small adhesive stickers containing antennas that receive and respond to transmissions from RFID...
The perfect book and companion web site for multi-tasked security professionals and IT managers responsible for securing corporate networks!