The spaces presented in this book are all no larger than 100 qm. The bookdemonstrates that limited space and budget lead to the invention ofcreative living solutions. By exploring new directions, such...
In recent years, Sydney has undergone a breathtaking expansion that hastransformed it into one of the most prosperous and diverse cities in theworld. The contrast between its huge skyscrapers and peac...
Everyone has a different opinion about the way the ideal family home shouldlook. The different reports in this book reflect this variety of opinions: theyrange from historic country houses to recently...
Lavishly illustrated with over 400 color photographs of houses in tropicalregions that span the globe, this introduction to various residentialstyles and modes of construction highlights the work of b...
Miami has long been known for its miles of sandy beaches and for themelting pot of Hispanic immigrants who reside in neighborhoods extendinginland from Miami Beach. But the third most popular American...
As the frontier between between the street and intimacy of the interior, the facade concentrates the most interesting aspects of the composition and construction of the project. It is the face of the ...
Wood is natural resource that has been available to man through history.It has provided fuel, tools and shelter. It has left traces that show its presence in many human activities.
"For hundreds of thousands of years man fought to make a place for himself in nature. For the first time in the history of our species, the situation is reversed and today it is imperative to make a s...
The home away from home must be flexible, ready to accommodate any number of uses at any time. Here, an international sampling of resort houses shows the very best ideas in the field. These houses giv...
This computer age, environmental concerns, overpopulation, suburban sprawl, economic boom and bust have all conspired to bring about enormous change in our everyday lives, and perhaps nowhere more so ...
This exhaustively documented sourcebook will be invaluable toprofessionals and students of architecture, interior design, interiorde-corating, and furniture design. Information is provided on every as...
A main task for architects is the planning of houses, very often private residences, commissioned by the future occupants or clients seeking the extraordinary. The design of houses has the potential t...
Książka prezentuje najbardziej interesujące współczesne projekty ekologicznych domów. Dzięki wyszukanemu pomysłowi i możliwościom dzisiejszej techniki, budynki te zdają się spełniać wymagania zarówno ...
This book shows around 25 international houses that are based on modular and prefabrication systems. All of them have ecological advantages in comparison to standard construction systems, since they r...
"Designer Houses" features ten recent private home projects of leading designers and interior architects. This book illustrates a continuous search for excellence in design and is a stunning sourceboo...
From small urban houses to large beach gateways, this book brings together a vast selection of the most interesting and spectacular residential projects constructed in the last few years. Beyond the ...
"The difference between landscape and landscape may be small, but there is great difference in the beholders." - Ralph Waldo Emerson, American writer, philosopher and poet This book presents various ...
The Montpellier School of Architecture (France), under the tutelage ofNicolas Creagut, devoted a monographic study of our single-family homes, acourse we called "Sunlight Houses" and which today lends...
The collection Cultural Heritage of Slovakia also includes the book Manor Houses which, together with another book Castles and Chateaux, continues freely the previous book about castles in ruins. Ma...
The author of this volume in the 'Arco Colour' series considers the differences of country life and town life. He looks at houses which combine the benefits of each, and presents examples in photograp...
Every house included in this volume reveals a unique dialogue with thelandscape, whether it is designed to merge with its surroundings byintegrating water into the home or conceived as a platform from...
This sumptuous volume chronicles the rarified world of Tuscan estates andtheir owners. Most of those profiled are noble families who have lived ontheir estates for centuries. The photographs document ...
Living in the country means enjoying peace and calm far away from urbanstress. The country retreats we create for ourselves reflect thisdifference. A measure of the value we place on our rural sanctua...
Architecture is perhaps not the first thing that comes to mind when youthink of Los Angeles, but there's no doubt that the city has its ownunique style. This book examines some of the highlights of do...
These houses are built to make the best use of renewable resourcesand designed to guarantee environmental protection and the health of thecommunity. Ecological housing has in fact ceased to be the cho...
The design of private houses is undoubtably a major chapter in this century's architectural history. Within the last hundred years, the emergence of new materials and methods has led to bold architect...
Having a country house with all the comforts of a city dwelling is a dream that many aspire to. Mediterranean Country Houses is a superbly reproduced book that demonstrates how going back to the count...