Oblegając Maltę, Turcy osmańscy chcieli usunąć potężnego przeciwnika, który mógłby zagrozić ich szlakom komunikacyjnym, gdyby zgodnie z planami wyruszyli na podbój Europy. To właśnie było bezpośrednią...
To celebrate Peter's birthday, Frederick Warne is publishing new editions of all 23 of Potter's original tales, which take the very first printings of Potter's works as their guide. The aim of these e...
Rookie Reader titles features full-color often hilarious illustrations and engaging stories that always involve a young child figuring out concepts or solving problems on his or her own.
Globalization and Regionalization in Post-Socialist Economies explores the reconfiguration of economic spaces in the 'new Europe' with a focus on the post-socialist economies of Central and Eastern Eu...