
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "lang do re", znaleziono 6

Miasto gangów. Ukryte światy Rio de Janeiro
Miasto gangów. Ukryte światy Rio de Janeiro
Łukasz Czeszumski

Z Paragwaju jadą karabiny i tony marihuany. Spod peruwiańskich Andów kokainowa pasta, a z dżungli Boliwii i Kolumbii czysta kokaina. Transporty lecą awionetkami, płyną łodziami i jadą w ciężarówkach, ...

Land Law 7e
Land Law 7e
D. Chappelle

This is an accessible consideration of the main legal principles, estates and interests in land law. The book is clearly structured to encourage application of legal principles throughout with detaile...

Rang & Dale's Pharmacology 6e
Rang & Dale's Pharmacology 6e
Humphrey P. Rang

Pharmacology's successful approach emphasises the mechanisms by which drugs act and relates these to the overall pharmacological effects and clinical uses. In doing so it sets out for the reader a cle...

Urban Land Use Planning 5e
Urban Land Use Planning 5e
Philip R. Berke, David R. Godschalk

Divided into three sections, this edition of Urban Land Use Planning deftly balances an authoritative, up-to-date discussion of current practices with a vision of what land use planning should become....

Lung Cancer Therapy Annual 6e
Lung Cancer Therapy Annual 6e
H. Hansen

Oncology research and practice in lung cancer continues to develop rapidly, and this latest edition of "Lung Cancer Therapy Annual" briefs the oncology community with a review of the recent literature...

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