Pewnego dnia w Krainie Teletubisiów Laa-Laa przyniosła do domu swą piłkę. Piłka skakała i nie dawała się złapać. Bdąg! Bdąg! Bdąg! Dopiero kiedy przyszedł Noo-Noo, Telatubisiom udało się złapać skaczą...
W latach 2016–2019 w ramach UBU labu działającego na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim stworzone zostały trzy zaawansowane prace cyfrowe: gra tekstowa In nihilum reverteris autorstwa Yerzmyeya i Roberta „H...
Urozmaicony wybór doświadczeń wprowadzających dzieci w świat nauki, technologii, inżynierii i matematyki. TheDadLab ma dziś ponad 3 miliony fanów i status internetowej sensacji. Jego twórca, pełnoet...
Odkryj tajniki modelu LAB Poznaj przestrzeń kolorów LAB Wykorzystaj model LAB do korekcji cyfrowych zdjęć Zastosuj niekonwencjonalne techniki retuszowania Model kolorów LAB, mimo że był obecny już we ...
„The collection of papers show the different destinations arrived AT by those of us who began our journeys in Matysiak‘s rat lab at the University of Warsaw – physical destinations, such as Washington...
Na morskie szalki handlowe Południowego Pacyfiku powrócili piraci. Do rozwiązania problemu zostaje wezwana grupa doświadczonych najemników. Dołącz do zespołu i weź udział w jego najtrudniejszej misji....
Międzynarodowy bestseller 2016 według„The New York Times”. Najlepsza książka 2016 roku według „Time”. Najlepsza książka 2016 roku według „Entertainment Weekly”. Najlepsza biografia 2016 roku według „T...
Przestrzeń barw LAB w programie Adobe Photoshop od wielu lat stanowi wyzwanie nawet dla profesjonalnych grafików, ale wysoka klasa tego rozwiązania pozostaje poza dyskusją. LAB daje potężne możliwości...
One of four new board books to reintroduce each of the Teletubbies - Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa and Po. Mirroring the clever new series of Teletubbies - Teletubbies Everywhere, these simple, fun boar...
Many scientific structures and systems are named after Johannes Muller, one of the most respected anatomists and physiologists of the 19th century. Muller was a mentor to many scientists of his age, m...
Scientists are trained in scholarship and technical skills but not, typically, in how to deal with their peers, supervisors, or staff who report to them. Yet even a first-rate research project can fai...
If you are looking for a straightforward, practical, no-nonsense guide to scriptwriting that will hold your hand right the way through the process, read on! The Raindance Writers? Lab guides you throu...
The Cisco CCNA Security curriculum provides foundational network security knowledge, practical experience, opportunities for career exploration, and soft-skills development to help students prepare fo...
The laboratory course described in the lab manual emphasizes experimental design, data analysis, and problem solving. Inherent in the design is the emphasis on communication skills, both written and o...
The convergence of life sciences and micro/nanotechnologies is one of the fastest growing modern R and D areas with an enormous potential societal impact. Microfluidics or Lab-on-Chip (LOC) devices, a...
The lab manual and Fundamentals of Unix course, co-sponsored by Sun Microsystems, introduce students to the UNIX operating system and address the demand for Information Technology professionals with U...
The Complete Laboratory Manual for Electricity, 3rd Edition is a valuable tool designed to fit into any basic electrical program that incorporates lab experience. This updated edition will enhance you...
Novell Linux Certification Practicum Lab Manual provides a collection of practical exercises similar to the exercises on the actual Novell practicum exams for the Novell Linux Certified Professional (...
This is the first edition of the Network Troubleshooting Lab Companion for students in the CCNP 4 Network Troubleshooting Cisco Networking Academy Program course. The book is specifically designed to ...
This best-selling, restructured laboratory manual now includes an entirely new interactive website built specifically for the A&P lab course. For the first time, includes Practice Anatomy ...
CCNP Optimizing Converged Networks (ONT 642-845) Lab Portfolio provides you with opportunities for hands-on practice with optimizing and providing effective QoS techniques in converged networks operat...
Designed for use with any A&P textbook, this best-selling laboratory manual features a wide variety of exercises and activities to meet the needs of any anatomy & physiology laboratory course. Known f...
Scooby-Doo and his pals are looking for clues to crack the case of the haunted laboratory. And now kids can help the gang solve the mystery! Using their bind-in decoders, kids hunt for clues that are ...
Plate tectonics are covered early in the book, starting with processes then moving to applications. Students are given the tools for understanding plate tectonics before they learn to apply it. Contai...
Extracted from laboratory manuals published by Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press, this guide contains reference data and information on a variety of laboratory techniques.
It's action-packed adventure for kids with this new line of books based on "Samurai Jack," Cartoon Network's latest hit show. In the distant past, an evil shape-shifter named Aku has brought destructi...
The laboratory investigations in this manual are designed to demonstrate the theoretical principles set out in the book Fundamentals of Electronic Devices and Circuits, 5/e. A total of 43 laboratory i...
Designed for use with any A&P textbook, this best-selling laboratory manual features a wide variety of exercises and activities to meet the needs of any anatomy & physiology laboratory course. Known f...
Work at the biology bench requires an ever-increasing knowledge of mathematical methods and formulae. In "Lab Math", Dany Spencer Adams has compiled the most common mathematical concepts and methods i...