
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "lat od do at", znaleziono 800

At midnight
At midnight
"A.P. Mist"

Selena jest dwudziestopięcioletnią, przedsiębiorczą kobietą. Doświadczenia z dzieciństwa sprawiły, że ambitnie dążyła do realizacji obranych sobie celów i otworzyła dobrze prosperującą agencję reklam...

At Work
At Work
Lee Friedlander

In the industrial north at the end of the 1970s, people were at work using hands and machinery to make things we all use. Less than a decade later, supercomputers were being made in Wisconsin while de...

At Grave's End
At Grave's End
Jeaniene Frost

Corcuera Antonio

The book focuses on how the usage of different colours can affect people'sperception of a space. Colour not only affects the way space appearsitself, but also affects the relationships between a room ...

At the Epicentre
At the Epicentre

What was really happening as Hong Kong struggled with SARS? In At the Epicentre, the story of those extraordinary weeks unfolds with all its drama - personal, national and international, political, me...

Monet at Giverny
Monet at Giverny
J. Sagner

Monet’s works during his stay at Giverny are given a fresh appraisal in this flexi Pegasus edition. The many years that Claude Monet spent at his beloved house in Giverny represent an exceptionally fr...

Wild at Heart. Wróć do mnie
Wild at Heart. Wróć do mnie
K.A. Tucker

Calla Fletcher wraca do Toronto całkowicie zmieniona. Próbuje się odnaleźć, wciąż zakochana w gburowatym pilocie. Kiedy Jonah pojawia się na jej progu z propozycją, której nie jest w stanie odrzucić,...

Look at Me Princess
Look at Me Princess
Aleksandra Nil
Cykl: LOOK, tom 1

Rihan Taylor i Leila Harrison od dziecka są przyjaciółmi. Jednak ta zażyła relacja nie podoba się ich rodzicom, którzy robią wszystko, aby ich rozdzielić. Państwo Taylorowie i Harrisonowie się nienaw...

Trouble at Brayshaw High
Trouble at Brayshaw High
Meagan Brandy
Cykl: Brayshaw High, tom 2

“You don’t belong.” No words whispered in anger have ever rung more true. They’re the Kings of Brayshaw with the world at their feet, destined for greatness and in need of control. I’m the girl fro...

Love at first sight
Love at first sight
Lena M. Bielska, Sandra Biel
Cykl: At First, tom 1

Spin-off dylogii Challenge i Memories Aby zwalczyć nieśmiałość, Feyra Byron postanawia stworzyć listę rzeczy, które musi zrobić w trakcie pierwszego roku studiów na Harvardzie. Pozornie wydaje si...

Looking at the US
F. Baldwin

This book provides an unusual look at cultural and political life in the United States over nearly three decades of change and stability. It combines the individual projects of photographers Frederick...

Adventure At Piccadilly Circus
Adventure At Piccadilly Circus
Lucy Hughes

The Richmond Readers series offers a selection of high quality original and simplified stories in a variety of formats and generes. The books are graded in seven levels from young starter to advanced....

Science at the Nanoscale
Science at the Nanoscale
C. Shong

Nanotechnology is one of the most important growth areas of this century. Nanoscience, the science underpinning nanotechnology, is a multidisciplinary subject covering atomic, molecular and solid stat...

Horror at Remsen High
Horror at Remsen High
Ferro Charles

Jake wakes up one morning and finds a red mark on his face. Like any sixteen-year-old, he is not happy with the mark, but does not worry about it. When he sees that some of the others boys in his high...

Encounters at the Bosphorus
Encounters at the Bosphorus

The following contributions were first presented at an international conference, Encounters at the Bosphorus: Turkey during the Second World War, held in Wroclaw and Krzyzowa on 28-30 September 2007. ...

Pfuel Staphanie

There's something astonishing and awing about a cool event. All too often, we think such parties are unattainable, too expensive or not for the likes of ordinary people. Lifestyle expert and experienc...

Live At The Regal
Live At The Regal
B. B. King

Live at the Regal to wydany w 1965 roku koncertowy album bluesowego muzyka B. B. Kinga. Nagrany został 21 listopada 1964 roku w Regal Theater w Chicago. W 2003 album został sklasyfikowany na 141. miej...

Tempt Me at Twilight
Tempt Me at Twilight
Lisa Kleypas
Cykl: Rodzina Hathaway, tom 3
Seria: The Hathaways Series

Active English at Work
2 wydania
Active English at Work
Piotr Domański, Maciej Domański

Active English at Work stanowi nowe wydanie cieszącej się dużą popularnością książki Piotra Domańskiego zatytułowanej English for Active Communication. Książka zawiera terminy, wyrażenia, zwroty, i...

Look at Me Princess 2
Look at Me Princess 2
Aleksandra Nil
Cykl: LOOK, tom 2

Rihan chce, żeby Leila zrozumiała, co miało wpływ na jego zachowanie, i wybaczyła jego postępowanie. Dziewczyna postanawia dać mu kolejną szansę, a w głębi serca odkrywa, że darzy go uczuciem znaczni...

United Kingdom at a Glance
United Kingdom at a Glance
Roman Ociepa

Publikacja stanowi wspaniałe źródło wiedzy o Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej. Adresowana jest przede wszystkim do tych uczniów gimnazjów i szkół ponadgimnazjalnych, którzy przygotowują się do u...

Optics & Spectroscopy at Surfaces & Interfaces
Optics & Spectroscopy at Surfaces & Interfaces
V. Bordo

This book covers linear and nonlinear optics as well as optical spectroscopy at solid surfaces and at interfaces between a sold and a liquid or gas. In the first part, the author gives a concise intro...

Proteins at Solid-liquid Interfaces
Proteins at Solid-liquid Interfaces
P. Dejardin

This book opens with a description of fundamental aspects of protein adsorption to surfaces, a phenomenon that plays a key role in biotechnological applications, especially at solid-liquid interfaces....

Witold-K at Sotheby`s
Witold-K at Sotheby`s
Wit Leszek Kaczanowski

Ukazanie się tego albumu witamy z radością, odtwarza on rozmaite etapy kariery Witolda K, w Polsce, we Francji, w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Pozwala tym samym docenić różnorodność jego twórczości i nieust...

Christmas at the Royal Institution
Christmas at the Royal Institution
J. Frank

Since the mid-1820s, a series of lectures has been delivered each year over the Christmas period in the world-famous Faraday Lecture Theatre at The Royal Institution of Great Britain by prominent scie...

Japanese Verbs At a Glance
Japanese Verbs At a Glance
N. Chino

This book provides useful information about verbs for beginning and intermediate students of Japanese. It's a handy reference to turn to when you have questions about Japanese verbs and how to use the...

S. Siraudeau

This enchanting volume unlocks the door of French homes tucked away in thecountry, from a farmhouse in the Cévennes to a castle lost in the heart ofthe Morvan mountains. The writer and photographer Sé...

Break at My School. Jaskółki
Break at My School. Jaskółki
Agnieszka Jurek

Te małe książeczki, Jaskółki, nie są zwiastunami wiosny, lecz zapowiedzią znakomitej zabawy w czasie nauki języka obcego! Cora - bohaterka tych książeczek dzięki jaskółkom poznała angielski i niemieck...

Enterprise Architecture at Work 2e
Enterprise Architecture at Work 2e
M. Lankhorst

An enterprise architecture tries to describe and control an organisation’s structure, processes, applications, systems and techniques in an integrated way. The unambiguous specification and descriptio...

FW 190 at War Part I
FW 190 at War Part I
Janusz Światłoń, Maciej Góralczyk

The first camouflage scheme officially specified for the Fw 190 A series consisted of RLM 74 Graugrun (or Dunkelgrau Grunlich as it was identified in the "Handbuch der Lackierbetriebe") and RLM 75 Gra...

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