Stylistka fryzur, artystka, pionierka niezależnego biznesu. W latach transformacji jej cięcie przeobrażało Polki w istoty nowoczesne, wzmacniało w nich wolę przetrwania. Od ćwierćwiecza jej fryzur...
Użyj Java Data Objects -- przełomowej technologii trwałości obiektów na platformie Java Książka "Java Data Objects": Demonstruje praktyczne techniki stosowane przez zawodowych programistów Za...
Janek i jego tata to Ratownicy Świata, i to nie byle jacy! Należą do prastarego rodu Witeziów, mają supermoce, kochają nowe technologie i poradzą sobie z każdym problemem… A w każdym razie spróbują! ...
Album "Jata `44" jest fascynującym świadectwem, wciąż słabo nagłośnionego, fenomenu z dziejów Polskiego Państwa Podziemnego na Podlasiu z czasów II wojny światowej.
Whether you are a software developer, systems architect, data analyst, or business analyst, if you want to take advantage of data mining in the development of advanced analytic applications, Java Data...
This book covers all the main data structures and algorithms reccommended by the ACM. It is current, well-written, and clearly understandable, with many illustrations, explanations, and examples of Ja...
For one- or two-semester courses in data structures (CS-2) in the departments of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Business, and Management Information Systems. This is the most student-friendly...
Data Structures and the Java Collections Framework, 2/e by William Collins teaches the fundamentals of data structures using java. This student-friendly book focuses on teaching students how to apply ...
For courses in Java - Data Structures/CS2. This innovative new text encourages students to utilize the "Outside-In" approach to learning the use, design and implementation of data structures. The auth...
Inspired by the success their best-selling introductory programming text, Java Software Solutions, authors Lewis, DePasquale, and Chase now release Java Foundations. Their newest text is a comprehensi...
Inspired by the success their best-selling introductory programming text, Java Software Solutions, authors Lewis, DePasquale, and Chase now release Java Foundations. Their newest text is a comprehensi...
As an alternative to the survey approach taken by traditional data structures and algorithms books, "A Practical Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms using Java" presents a systematic, applications...