男らしいことに大きな憧れを持ちながらも、美少年ヤンキーに成長した星。 美貌にはますます磨きがかかるものの、本人は相変わらず、その自覚はない。 隣に住む土佐山田家の狂犬兄弟の弟・顕に恋心を抱いていたが、 ホモ嫌いの顕に気持ちがばれないよう必死だ。 それなのに、キスされて!!? 無愛想で無口な顕と、意地っ張りな星。 ふたりの恋はますますこじれて★
男らしくあることに青春を捧げるものの、 ますます美貌に磨きがかかり、 美少年ヤンキーとして高校生活を送っている星。 ノーマルなクラスメイトさえ惑わしながら、 本人に自覚はなく、隣に暮らす 幼なじみの顕に片思いをしている。 でも、顕は俺を好きじゃない── わかっているけど、好きじゃないのに、 ホモ嫌いなのに、なんで何度もキスしてくるんだ? 顕の幼なじみの塙も乱入してきて、 星の恋はますますカオスに!...
男の子なのに幼い頃は美少女コンテストで優勝し、 成長した今も美貌に磨きがかがる美少年ヤンキー・星。 隣に暮らす幼なじみの顕とは何度かキスも、 触られたりもしちゃってるけど、相変わらず絶賛片思い中……。 うまくいきそうでうまくいかない、そんなある日、 チャラい他校生・皇に一目惚れされた星は 「俺とつき合ってくんない?」と告白されて!? 顕の隠れジェラシー爆発!!? こじれにこじれた両片思いが、つ・い...
Seduction has never been so sweet! The New York Times bestselling author of the Cold Fury series—Alex, Garrett, Zack, and Ryker—returns with the first novel in a hot new trilogy. “Sawyer Bennett neve...
The father is one of the central figures of Hollywood narrative. Despite this, this is the first book to examine cinematic representations of the father. "Bringing Up Daddy" offers a broad perspective...
There is no question that Leonardo da Vinci and his "Mona Lisa" are two of the most recognizable names in the world. Leonardo is the subject of much veneration and debate, but he left behind only a fe...
This selection reveals a true Renaissance man, whose habit of rigorous enquiry, observation, and experiment, grounded in a philosophic system, led him to conceive of the universe as an organized cosmo...
Leonardo was born in the village of Vinci, between the Tuscan cities of Empoli and Pistoia, on 15th April 1452. In 1469 the family moved to Florence, where his father sent him to study with the most v...
Il passato è il posto più difficile a cui tornare. Jim Mackenzie, pilota di elicotteri per metà indiano, lo impara a sue spese quando si ritrova dopo parecchi anni nell'immobile città ai margini dell...
Genius is made, not born. And human beings are gifted with an almost unlimited potential for learning and creativity. Now you can uncover your own hidden abilities, sharpen your senses, and liberate y...
'Fodor's Guide to the Da Vinci Code' delves deep into the locations, people, historic events and landmarks that make up this gripping thriller which has captivated millions. Following the path of Robe...
This charming, full-color story about a devoted family man began as a popular webcomic! His colleagues at work see him as handsome, cool, and distant…but the moment he’s back home, this frosty-lookin...
Trotz allerlei Klischees, sehr unterschiedlicher Sprachen und einer schwierigen gemeinsamen Geschichte: Polnische Frauen und deutsche Männer scheinen wie füreinander geschaffen; jährlich finden Tause...
Volume 2 of two-volume set. Total of 1566 extracts reveal full range of Leonardos versatile genius: his writings on painting, sculpture, architecture, anatomy, mining, inventions, music. Dual Italian-...
Delightful rhyme and engaging illustrations help babies and toddlers discover their bodies as they mirror the antics of Baby da Vinci and friends, who search for their ten fingers, toes, eyes, and nos...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft / Sprachforschung (fachübergreifend), Note: 2,0, Universität Erfurt, Veranstaltung: Laienlinguistik, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Ob in...
Puh! Lotta ist ganz schön aufgeregt. Diese Woche besucht die 6b gleich ein paar Eltern bei der Arbeit. Auch Papa Petermann und seine Schule sind dabei und das treibt Lotta schon jetzt den Angstschweiß...
Illustrations, cutaway diagrams, and step-by-step guides recreate the excitement of discovery in this fascinating history of the men and women behind the world's biggest technological developments.
Content networking is the most popular technology used to enhance network and application performance. More than 90 percent of medium-to-large organizations use content networking to add a layer of in...
Describing efficient transmission schemes for broadband wireless systems, Transmission Techniques for Emergent Multicast and Broadcast Systems examines advances in transmission techniques and receiver...
Energy Risk Modeling is a primer on statistical methods for managers, students and anybody interested in the field. Illustrated through elementary and more advanced statistical Methods, it is primaril...