Helmut Peschina - pisze sztuki teatralne, słuchowiska, wiersze i eseje. Wielokrotnie nagradzany za twórczość literacką. Współpracuje z radiem, telewizją i teatrem.
Książka jest ambitną próbą zintegrowania licznych źródeł inspiracji, nabytych w ciągu lat profesjonalnego rozwoju, mająca na celu oparcie doświadczeń klinicznych na stabilnym gruncie teorii. Spektrum ...
Książka zawiera 23 artykuły, które w świetle nowych lub mało znanych źródeł, w kontekście zgromadzonej w ostatnich dziesięcioleciach wiedzy o osiemnastowiecznej kulturze, z perspektywy metodologicznyc...
3 Nobel laureates contribute to this invaluable collection of high-quality articles, extracted from the much-praised R.A.Meyer´s Encyclopedia. With sections on Structure, Modeling, Expression, Analysi...
Książka traktuje o społeczno-kulturowym wymiarze płci, a autorka próbuje dociec, w jakim stopniu doświadczenia socjalizacyjne pomagają kobietom i mężczyznom w pełnieniu ich ról, a w jakim to utrudniaj...
The biopharmaceutical market has come along way since 1982 when the first biopharmaceutical product, recombinant human insulin, was launched. Over 120 such products are currently being marketed around...
This two-volume handbook offers a comprehensive and coordinated presentation of SQUIDs (Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices), including device fundamentals, design, technology, system constru...
The International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW) is a well established series of conferences held every two years in a different location. A unique feature of the ISSW is the emphasis on bridging the...
The new, revised and cumulated complete edition of the GroĂes Sängerlexikon includes the contents of the 3rd edition (5 volumes and 2 supplementary volumes), arranged alphabetically and enlarged by a...
With contributions by two Nobel Laureates, this careful selection of high-quality articles from the well proven Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine spans the whole range of t...
The book provides a state of the art description of the synthetic tools to precisely control various aspects of macromolecular structure including chain composition, microstructure, functionality and ...
The book series Sensors Applications covers the application of up-to-date sensor principles in key areas, meeting the growing need for comprehensive information on the wide variety of available system...
These proceedings collect the latest, accumulated knowledge of scientists and practitioners worldwide, providing an up-to-date overview of current research on aluminum alloys - ranging from the micros...
Through 5 editions, Pediatric Nephrology has become the standard reference text for students, trainees, practicing physicians (Pediatricians, Nephrologists, Internists, and Urologists), sub-specialist...
Ullmann's Fibers is a convenient source of information for chemists, engineers, material scientists as well as professionals in the textile industry. Based on the latest online edition of Ullmann's En...
Divided into five major parts, the two volumes of this ready reference cover the tailoring of theoretical methods for biochemical computations, as well as the many kinds of biomolecules, reaction and ...
Fine in Good Dj. Dj's are lightly rubbed, with some edgewear. 225 x 290 mm., 313 + 316pp., Two volume set, text and plates. There are 16 color plates and 294 in duotone. All text is in French. Highly ...
DĹugo oczekiwana pozycja odnoszÄ ca siÄ do wspĂłĹczesnych badaĹ nad rozwojem skĹadni i jÄzyka. Ten zestaw prezentuje aĹź 70 zagadnieĹ zgromadzonych i przestudiowanych specjalnie na potrzeby tego wydan...
The development of molecules that selectively bind to nucleic acids has provided many details about DNA and RNA recognition. The range of such substances, such as metal complexes, peptides, oligonucle...
There is probably no name more closely linked to metathesis than that of Robert H. Grubbs of the California Institute of Technology. His pioneering work has led to the success of this important and fa...
This handbook provides a complete and detailed overview of all currently available psychiatric drugs, covering more than 250 different compounds with a detailed pharmacological description.
This is the first handbook to integrate developmental and cellular aspects combining the different structural and functional features involved in the regulation of brain perfusion and neuronal functio...
Since most cancer therapies primarily act by inducing apoptosis in tumor cells, insights into the molecular mechanisms regulating apoptosis are crucial to developing novel, more effective treatment st...
Catalysis from abzymes to zeolite: the successful encyclopedia now in its second, updated and enlarged edition. Designed as a first-stop source for chemists, biochemists, physicists, and engineers who...
The editors of this Encyclopedia, earlier editions which met with international acclaim, have now provided a fully revised, expanded and updated third edition of this comprehensive reference work. In ...
Please note that this publication is available as print only OR online only OR print + online bundle. Save 75% when purchasing the bundle. For more information on the online version please type the pu...
The microfiche edition Polish Biographical Archive (PAB) contains with the Supplement (PAB-S) biographical articles from 333 reference books amounting to about 500 volumes published between the 17th a...
En un peu plus de 1000 pages, l'essentiel de l'étymologie du français. Nul besoin d'Ätre initié au grec et au latin pour tirer profit de la lecture de cet ouvrage : l'histoire des mots y est expliquée...
In three alphabetically arranged volumes, the Hungarian Biographical Index covers the 137,800 persons included in the Hungarian Biographical Archive and thus facilitates access to the Archive's 251,20...
The Canadian Biographical Index facilitates access to approximately 118,000 biographical entries on approximately 90,000 persons from the Canadian Biographical Archive.