
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "lize dziubka z", znaleziono 15

Seguendo le orme di Chopin
Seguendo le orme di Chopin

Przewodnik prowadzi czytelnika śladami Fryderyka Chopina po Polsce - od Warszawy i Żelazowej Woli, przez dwory Mazowsza i Ziemi Chełmińskiej, na Śląsk, do Wielkopolski, aż po Kraków. Interesujące synt...

L'Arte Di Passeggiare e Fare Le Rivoluzioni
L'Arte Di Passeggiare e Fare Le Rivoluzioni
Riccardo Campa

Come insegna Charles Baudelaire, camminare e passeggiare non sono esattamente la stessa cosa. Passeggiare è un’arte raffinata che richiede abilità e impegno. Un’arte che il flâneur parigino del XIX s...

Księga dao i de z komentarzami Wang Bi
Księga dao i de z komentarzami Wang Bi
Lao Tsy Laozi "Lao Tzu"
Seria: Ex Oriente

Nie sposób zrozumieć Chin ani Chińczyków, jeśli się nigdy nie czytało Księgi dao i de i nie zna się legendy o Starym Mistrzu, który ją napisał, gdy porzucił świat cywilizowany, by zamieszkać w górach....

Civilisation progressive de la francophonie Niveau interm‚di
Civilisation progressive de la francophonie Niveau interm‚di
J. Noutchi‚ Njik‚

La Civilisation progressive de la francophonie est un ouvrage destinÊ aux Êtudiants de niveau intermÊdiaire en français. Dans l'esprit de la collection et en quatre couleurs, cet ouvrage prÊsente...

Le avventure di Gordon Pym
Le avventure di Gordon Pym
Edgar Allan Poe

Unico romanzo di Poe, scritto nel 1837 sull’onda dell’interesse suscitato dalle grandi spedizioni antartiche, la storia di Gordon Pym unisce le suggestioni classiche dell’avventura della grande tradi...

Le confessioni di Mr Harrison
Le confessioni di Mr Harrison
Elizabeth Gaskell

"Le confessioni di Mr Harrison" è un romanzo pubblicato a puntate sul mensile «The Ladies’ Companion» tra il febbraio e l’aprile del 1851. Durante una pigra sera d’inverno, William Harrison e il suo ...

Las historias de fantasmas de Mimi
Las historias de fantasmas de Mimi
Hirokatsu Kihara, Ichiro Nakayama, Junji Ito

Film Art 9e
Film Art 9e
D. Bordwell

Film is an art form with a language and an aesthetic all its own. Since 1979, David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson's Film Art has been the best-selling and widely respected introduction to the analysis...

GI/Liver Secrets 3e
GI/Liver Secrets 3e
Mc Nally P.

Uses bulleted lists, tables, short answers, and a highly detailed index to expedite reference. Features pearls, tips, memory aids, and "secrets" from the experts. Covers all of today's most common con...

Film Directing Fundamentals 2e
Film Directing Fundamentals 2e
N. Proferes

Film Directing Fundamentals "Just bring your talent, add a touch of luck, and the rest you will find in this book." Milos Forman, director, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Film Directing Fundamentals 3e
Film Directing Fundamentals 3e
N. Proferes

Film Directing Fundamentals gives you a detailed look at how to turn a script into a movie. From the printed word, this book shows you how to create on-screen imagery that will do your words justice. ...

BACE Lead Target for Orchestrated Therapy of Alzheimer's Di
BACE Lead Target for Orchestrated Therapy of Alzheimer's Di

BACE (β-site of APP cleaving enzyme) is a critical component in Alzheimer's Disease (AD), and the development of BACE inhibitors shows great potential as a therapy for the disease. BACE: Lead Target f...

AI Game Engine Programming 2e
AI Game Engine Programming 2e
B. Schwab

A fully revised update to the first edition, "AI Game Engine Programming, Second Edition" provides game developers with the tools and information they need to create modern game AI engines. Covering t...

Producing & Directing the Short Film & Video 3e
Producing & Directing the Short Film & Video 3e

Written by professors at new York University, one of the world's top filmmaking schools, Producing and Directing the Short Film and Video is the definitive book on the subject for beginning filmmakers...

Audio Postproduction for Film and Video 2e
Audio Postproduction for Film and Video 2e
J. Rose

Make your soundtracks as good as your pictures with this compendium of professional audio techniques that can be adapted to desktop post. Specializing in sound after the shoot, this book features many...

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