DOM JUAN : La belle chose de vouloir se piquer d'un faux honneur d'être fidèle...Il n'est rien de si doux que de triompher de la rĂŠsistance d'une belle personne, et j'ai sur ce sujet l'ambition des c...
Giovanni Percolla ha quarant'anni. Sono stati quarant'anni di beata eistenza, confortata da tre premurose sorelle: lunghi pisolini pomeridiani, robuste pastasciutte, chiacchiere sulle donne, che, a Ca...
'L'hypocrisie est un vice a la mode, et tous les vices a la mode passent pour vertus' : voila comment Dom Juan se justifie aupres de son valet Sganarelle, scandalisĂŠ de voir son maĂŽtre tromper tout ...
Poradnik dla studiujących w Niemczech - przeznaczony jest przede wszystkim dla studentów, którzy wybierają się na studia do Niemiec, ale nie tylko, gdyż adresowany jaest również do wszystkich zaintere...
The newest volume of this important annual survey of German architecture takes a look at what the country's architects are doing outside of Germany, and also at recent buildings of high quality inside...
La publicaci?n de Don Quijote en 1605 tuvo un ?xito tan inmediato que a los tres meses se hizo una segunda edici?n y se tradujo enseguida a varias lenguas. Cada ?poca a le?do Don Quijote de forma dist...
The intended audience includes graduate and postgraduate students specializing in artificial intelligence and researchers interested in the application of new technologies.
Im vorliegenden 26. Band der Zeitzeugen-Reihe ťLebensbilder. JüdischeErinnerungen und ZeugnisseŤ wird das bewegte Schicksal von Moshe Beirachgeschildert. 1918 in eine Familie frommer Juden in Pabianic...
La-dessus ils. dĂŠcouvrirent trente ou quarante moulins a vent, et, des que don Quichotte les vit, il dit a son ĂŠcuyer : ? La fortune conduit nos affaires mieux que nous n'eussions su dĂŠsirer, car v...
Es una versión adaptada de la famosa obra de Miguel de Cervantes. La adaptación respeta el estilo y los principales episodios de la novela original, pero ofrece una narración más fluida y diálogos más...
"Der Protestantismus in Polen in dem Jahren 1918-1939" ist eine auf die vieljahrige Archivanfrage basierte Bearbeitung der Geschichte von protestantischen Kirchen in der Zwischenkriegszeit. Diese Kirc...
Czym jest Junior? Jest negacją życiowego racjonalizmu. Jest antidotum na wszystko, co przyziemne. Jest wyrafinowaną kontrą dla czczej paplaniny o karierze, gwiazdach, pieniądzach, a także parodią ps...
Przygody znanej nam już postaci don Kichota z la Manchy opowiedziane na nowo przez Wiktora Woroszylskiego - prostszym językiem, z objaśnieniem ważniejszych wydarzeń i komentarzem autora przy nurtujący...
Autorka analizuje zagadnienie obrazu Niemiec i Niemców w podręcznikach do nauki języka niemieckiego funkcjonujących w Polsce w latach 1933-1945 w kontekście stosunków polsko-niemieckich.
Christopher John Francis Boone knows all the countries of the world and their capitals and every prime number up to 7,057. He relates well to animals but has no understanding of human emotions. He can...
Since the breakdown of the Soviet Union, Uzbekistan has revealed itself a a strategic central Asian republic. This comprehensive guide and handbook provides an overview of the Uzbek economy and the op...
A guide to business practice and trading opportunities in Kazakhstan. The text includes details of project finance and case studies illustrating the progress of companies from all over the world opera...
This is a practical pocket-sized guide to doing business in India which will give you the information and skills to succeed. Understand the Indian business culture, run remote teams and achieve your b...
Doing an Undergraduate Project is a practical step-by-step guide to managing and developing a successful undergraduate project. The book covers all aspects of project management, explaining in a clear...
This is a practical pocket-sized guide to doing business in China which will give you the information and skills to succeed. It helps you explore and understand the Chinese business culture, establish...
This handbook contains practical information and advice for international corporations and entrepreneurs wishing to do business with Croatia. The topics covered include: the business context; market p...
This text provides an overview of the rapidly developing Romanian business scene. It includes information on all issues, from legal matters and relations with the EU, to sources of capital and economi...
Revised to take account of the dynamic privatization programme undertaken by the Czech Republic since the break-up of Czechoslovakia in 1993, this edition provides businesses with a pragmatic guide de...
Providing a complete introduction to qualitative methods in psychology, this textbook is ideal reading for anyone doing a research methods course in psychology that includes qualitative approaches or ...
A fantastically unusual detective story written from the perspective of an autistic boy. Christopher is 15 and lives in Swindon with his father. He has Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism. He is obs...
Christopher Boone is a 15-year old autistic savant in Swindon, England. He hates being touched, cannot tell a lie, or understand metaphors or jokes. He is a whiz at math and enjoys puzzles. When the n...
This book is both a set of procedures for the therapist and a philosophy - one that is shared with clients and one that guides the work of the therapist. This second edition continues its excellence i...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Jura - Zivilrecht / Handelsrecht, Gesellschaftsrecht, Kartellrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, einseitig bedruckt, Note: 13 (gut), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universit...
Zwei Ratgeber zum positiven Denken in einem Band Norman Vincent Peale, Mentor des Bestseller-Autors Dale Carnegie, zählt neben Joseph Murphy und Napoleon Hill zu den Koryphäen des positiven Denkens. ...
Wiersze Ringelnatza, jednego z ulubionych przez Niemców poetów początku XX w., choć mówią o rzeczach wielkich, takich jak specjalnie do tej książki wybrana Miłość (wybór: Daniela Keel i Daniel Kampa)...