
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "lub o divide", znaleziono 8

Neighbourhood across a divide? : borderland communities and EU enlargement
Neighbourhood across a divide? : borderland communities and EU enlargement

This collection of eight case studies presents a broad picture of some immediate and long-term effects of EU enlargement for local communities on both sides of a new external Union frontier. The ruptu...

3 wydania
Nicholas Evans

Nicholas Evans zasłynął jako autor Zaklinacza koni - debiutanckiej powieści sprzedanej w kilkunastu milionach egzemplarzy, sfilmowanej z Robertem Redfordem w roli tytułowej. Jego najnowsza książka to ...

Spętani przeznaczeniem
2 wydania
Spętani przeznaczeniem
Veronica Roth

NAJLEPSZA powieść Veroniki Roth, autorki światowego megahitu Niezgodna. Ona – zabija dotykiem, on – jako jedyny jest na ten dotyk odporny. Spętani przeznaczeniem to pełna niezwykłych wyobrażeń hi...

The Divide
2 wydania
The Divide
Nicholas Evans

Now, from the number-one bestselling author of The Horse Whisperer comes an epic thriller of the human heart. Two backcountry skiers find the body of a young woman embedded in the ice of a remote moun...

Divide & Conquer
Divide & Conquer
Abigail Roux, Madeleine Urban
Cykl: Cut & Run, tom 4

Baltimore, Maryland, is a city in alarming distress. Rising violence is fanning the flames of public outrage, and all law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, are catching blame. Thus the FBI’s l...

Nicholas Evans

Now, from the number-one bestselling author of The Horse Whisperer comes an epic thriller of the human heart. Two backcountry skiers find the body of a young woman embedded in the ice of a remote mou...

Love Divide
Love Divide
Cary Hart
Cykl: Battlefield of Love, tom 2

What happens when something you were not looking for comes along, and it's more than you ever could have imagined? Changing you. How do you live with yourself when you look in the mirror and don’t r...

International Economic Law and the Digital Divide
International Economic Law and the Digital Divide
Rohan Kariyawasam

Focuses on the WTO, e-commerce and information communications technologies. This book sheds light on how international economic law can be used as a tool in the application of technological processes ...

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