Wielokrotnie nagradzane w rozwijającym się przymyśle 3D, interaktywne kartki z załączonym miejscem na wasze prywatne wiadomości! Nie tylko otwierają się, tworząc niezwykłe kształty i formy w trójwymia...
DEVIL MAY CARE will be published in May 2008 to celebrate the Centenary of Ian Fleming's birth. This new instalment in the adventures of the world's most iconic spy has been written by one of Britain'...
“He should be dead. I thought I’d killed him. I was wrong.” Three dead enforcers in three weeks, their bodies butchered. Muse has seen it before, and when she reads the metal memories in the murder w...
This is a concise and practical guide to the role of the clinical pharmacist, including basic skills and the choice and management of treatment in specific therapeutic problems. Pharmaceutical care in...
Convenient and easy-to-use, this book of flashcards provides the perfect method for students to prepare for upcoming tests or to review difficult concepts. Each card includes a question on the front a...