
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "me i dan", znaleziono 15

Księga dao i de z komentarzami Wang Bi
Księga dao i de z komentarzami Wang Bi
Lao Tsy Laozi "Lao Tzu"
Seria: Ex Oriente

Nie sposób zrozumieć Chin ani Chińczyków, jeśli się nigdy nie czytało Księgi dao i de i nie zna się legendy o Starym Mistrzu, który ją napisał, gdy porzucił świat cywilizowany, by zamieszkać w górach....

To B.E. or not to B.E. : (business English can be fun)
To B.E. or not to B.E. : (business English can be fun)
Teresa Olechowska

Książka powstała z myślą o nauczycielach Business English i może być wykorzystywana na każdego rodzaju kursach Business English. W książce pojawiają się bloki tematyczne poświęcone takim zagadnieniom,...

Can Knowledge be (a) Performative? Performativity in the Studies of Science
Can Knowledge be (a) Performative? Performativity in the Studies of Science
Aleksandra Kołtun

The recent surge in popularity of the nations of performance and performativity provides an incentive for ezamining their productivity for contemporary models of knowledge production. Drawing upon a h...

Taniec - filozofia życia = Dancing life philosophy = Tanz - eine Lebensphilosophie = La danse - une philosophie de vie
Taniec - filozofia życia = Dancing life philosophy = Tanz - eine Lebensphilosophie = La danse - une philosophie de vie
Agnieszka Lendzion

Polsko-angielsko-niemiecko-francuska książka na licznych fotografiach opisuje taniec jako pasję, życie, ulotność.

Introdução das unidades lexicais estrangeiras no português atual. Estudo baseado em blogues feminios portugueses e brasileiros
Introdução das unidades lexicais estrangeiras no português atual. Estudo baseado em blogues feminios portugueses e brasileiros
Edyta Jabłonka

É bem sabido que as línguas nunca estagnam. Na sua constant evolução, recebem influências de outras línguas, pelo que enriquecem o seu léxico a começam a designer novas realidades e novos fenómenos. O...

Match Me If You Can
Match Me If You Can
Susan Phillips

You met star quarterback Kevin Tucker in This Heart of Mine. Now get ready to meet his shark of an agent, Heath Champion, and Annabelle Granger, the girl least likely to succeed. Annabelle's endured d...

Me and My Dad
Me and My Dad
Alison Ritchie

My dad is the best daddy bear there could be. We're together forever- my dad and me." Little Bear and his dad do wonderful things- exploring high mountains, swimming in the rain, and telling stories a...

Birthdays Can Be Deadly
Birthdays Can Be Deadly
Cindy Bell
Cykl: Sage Gardens Cozy Mystery, tom 1

The retirement village, Sage Gardens, has villas set amidst beautiful, lush gardens surrounding a sparkling, blue lake. Everything is peaceful in the small, secure retirement community. That is until...

Bite Me If You Can
Bite Me If You Can
Lynsay Sands
Cykl: Ród Argeneau, tom 6

Once Bitten . . . One minute Leigh is walking home in the early hours of the morning, and the next a vampire is sinking his teeth into her neck. Turns out it was a rogue vampire marked for terminatio...

We Can Be Mended. A Divergent Story
We Can Be Mended. A Divergent Story
Veronica Roth

Globally bestselling author Veronica Roth returns to the world of Divergent in this revealing short-story epilogue that takes place five years after the stunning events of Allegiant. As Tobias str...

Leadership Can Be Taught
Leadership Can Be Taught
D. Parks

Allows readers to experience the dynamic 'case-in-point' approach to teaching leadership, based on Harvard professor Ronald Heifetz's internationally renowned leadership course This book argues that t...

What Can Be Done'
What Can Be Done'
J. Lloyd

"What Can Be Done?" makes an important contribution to public debate in Britain about the relationship between the media and politics, focusing in particular on the damage the media do to politics and...

Can Germany Be Saved
H. Sinn

What has happened to the German economic miracle? Rebuilding from the rubble and ruin of two world wars, Germany in the second half of the twentieth century recaptured its economic strength. High-qual...

How Hard Can It Be?
How Hard Can It Be?

Jeremy Clarkson had a dream ...A world where the nonsensical made sense,the idiotic was abolished and the sheer bloody brilliant was embraced. In"How Hard Can It Be?" our hero embarks on a quest to se...

Can A history Of Israel Be Written
Can A history Of Israel Be Written
L. Grabbe

This Symposium asks whether a 'history of Israel' can be written, and if it can, how? Can the Hebrew Bible be used as a source for such history? The question of writing the 'history of ancient Israel'...

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