
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "plany tle", znaleziono 39

Playing the Millionaire
Playing the Millionaire
Sandi Lynn

Piękna dziewczyna uwodzi bogatych mężczyzn, by zdobyć pieniądze na ratowanie ojca. Ale zadziera z niewłaściwym milionerem. Młody właściciel luksusowych hoteli odnajduje ją, by odzyskać dług… „Miałam w...

Playing the Universe
David Mead

The ludic impulse is everywhere in western culture. Games and play provide metaphors for our lives. Stories of games, sports, and play are found everywhere in our imaginative literature as well - from...

The Complete Plan Atlas
The Complete Plan Atlas

Event design offers exciting new opportunities for architects, designers, and creative thinkers of every kind. Events Design presents a selection of projects specially designed for corporate or instit...

The Power of Play
The Power of Play
Zbigniew Mazur

Mieszkańcy osiemnastowiecznej Wirginii, brytyjskiej kolonii w Ameryce Północnej, słynęli z upodobania do zabawy, rozrywki i wypoczynku. Festyny, bale, wyścigi konne, walki kogutów, pijackie biesiady, ...

Abc gitary = The abc of guitar playing
Abc gitary = The abc of guitar playing
Józef Powroźniak
Seria: Seria Pedagogiczna

Najpopularniejszy podręcznik do nauki gry na gitarze. Na początku uczeń poznaje instrument: jego części składowe, sposoby trzymania gitary, oznaczenia palców i strun. We wstępie Powroźniak przedstawia...

Prompting in/ex/Tensions of the Manuscript. Literary and Editorial Approaches to Selected Early Play
Prompting in/ex/Tensions of the Manuscript. Literary and Editorial Approaches to Selected Early Play
Grzegorz Konieczniak

This book, whose slashed part of the title refers to Allen Tate?s idea of poetic tension, ?derived from lopping the prefixes off the logical terms extension and intension? (Tate 1938: 283; italics in ...

The Play
The Play
Elle Kennedy
Cykl: Briar U, tom 3

The Perfect Play
The Perfect Play
Jaci Burton
Cykl: Play by Play, tom 1

Football pro Mick Riley is an all-star, both on the field and in the bedroom. But a sexy, determinedly single mom just might be the one to throw him off his game... For years Mick has been taking ful...

Playing the Game
2 wydania
Playing the Game
B. Jour, Belle de Jour

Game over? Belle is starting to wonder if she should call time on the call girl business: get a day job, a life free from secrets and have a 'normal' relationship with the Boy. But will Belle cope wit...

The Revenge Plan
The Revenge Plan
Linda Kage

After I caught my boyfriend cheating, I tried to be mature about it with an amicable split. But he took his retaliation too far, and I have officially had enough. No more Miss Nice Haven. No one is ...

The Play Mate
The Play Mate
Kendall Ryan
Cykl: Roommates, tom 2

His best friend's little sister is all grown up … and ready to play in a whole new way. Smith Hamilton has it all—he's smart, good-looking and loaded. But he remembers a time when he had nothing and ...

Carlos & the Squash Plant
Carlos & the Squash Plant
Romero Stevens

In this colorful read-aloud bilingual book, Carlos doesn't listen to his mother's warnings about washing behind his ears. Now, true to her word, he's got a squash plant growing out of his head! Includ...

The Marketing Plan Handbook
2 wydania
The Marketing Plan Handbook
Marian Burk Wood

"How do you get your students actively engaged in applying concepts while writing a marketing plan? What types of tools would you like to help guide them along in the creation process? How do you inte...

Burn The Business Plan
Burn The Business Plan
Carl Schramm

How would you like to get business startup advice straight from the man who co-founded Global Entrepreneurship Week and StartUp America? Well now you can. Carl Schramm, the man described by The Econom...

Plant Evolution In The Mediterranean
Plant Evolution In The Mediterranean
J. Thompson

Plant Evolution in the Mediterranean integrates a diverse and scattered literature to produce a synthetic account of plant evolutionary ecology. The central theme is differentiation, both among and wi...

The Plant Lover's Guide to Sedums
The Plant Lover's Guide to Sedums
Brent Horvath
Seria: The Plant Lover''s Guide

Sedums are flowering perennials with succulent foliage that are easy to grow, available in hundreds of varieties, and gorgeous in gardens and containers. Their color changes dramatically with the seas...

The Plant Lover's Guide to Salvias
The Plant Lover's Guide to Salvias
John Whittlesey
Seria: The Plant Lover''s Guide

Salvia is a family of flowering plants that can be grown in all regions, either as perennials or annuals. The range of size, color, foliage, and hardiness within the genus is huge, with over 900 speci...

The Plant Lover's Guide to Epimediums
The Plant Lover's Guide to Epimediums
Sally Gregson
Seria: The Plant Lover''s Guide

Epimediums may have delicate, orchid-like flowers, but they are tough, shade-tolerant perennials that are incredibly low maintenance. Their heart and arrow-shaped foliage changes colors with the seaso...

The Plant Lover's Guide to Tulips
The Plant Lover's Guide to Tulips
Richard Wilford
Seria: The Plant Lover''s Guide

Tulips are one of the most popular spring-flowering bulbs. Available in a huge range of colors, from white to near black and everything in between, and in a wide array of shapes, they’re a mainstay of...

The Plant Lover's Guide to Ferns
The Plant Lover's Guide to Ferns
Sue Olsen, Richie Steffen
Seria: The Plant Lover''s Guide

Ferns are versatile, shade-tolerant foliage plants that can play many roles in the home garden. They are easy to grow and readily available at big-box stores, garden centers, and mail-order nurseries,...

The Plant Lover's Guide to Snowdrops
The Plant Lover's Guide to Snowdrops
Naomi Slade
Seria: The Plant Lover''s Guide

Snowdrops (whose Latin name is Galanthus) have a delicate, quiet beauty. Their white, bell-shaped petals are striking alone or in a swath, and they are a harbinger of spring. Hugely popular in the Uni...

The Plant Lover's Guide to Clematis
The Plant Lover's Guide to Clematis
Linda Beutler
Seria: The Plant Lover''s Guide

With their sumptuous colors and generous display of flowers, clematis are unrivaled among climbing (and sometimes shrubby) plants. Whether you favor the spectacular large-flowered hybrids or the elega...

The Plant Lover's Guide to Magnolias
The Plant Lover's Guide to Magnolias
Andrew Bunting
Seria: The Plant Lover''s Guide

Magnolias are the most magnificent flowering woody plants for temperate gardens and landscapes. Presented here are an expert’s 146 top choices, from large shrubs to towering trees, along with essentia...

The Plant Lover's Guide to Primulas
The Plant Lover's Guide to Primulas
Jodie Mitchell, Lynne Lawson
Seria: The Plant Lover''s Guide

Primulas are so much more than just brightly colored bedding plants. The older varieties of polyanthus are perfect for spring mixed borders, and the long-stemmed candelabra primulas add beauty to wate...

Play & the Politics of Reading
Play & the Politics of Reading
P. Armstrong

Innovative formal structures challenge readers to reconsider their assumptions and beliefs about social issues.

Not Part of the Plan
Not Part of the Plan
Lucy Score
Cykl: Blue Moon, tom 4

A womanizing bad boy with a motorcycle and sexy-as-sin smile is not part of Emma’s life plan. She moved cross-country to be close to family and finally settle down in hippie, trippy, nosey Blue Moon...

The Impacts of Automotive Plant Closure
The Impacts of Automotive Plant Closure
Andrew Beer, Holli Evans

Economic restructuring has been a notable feature of so-called mature industrial economies such as the UK and Australia in the last two decades, with deregulation, privatisation, technological change ...

The Plant Lover's Guide to Hardy Geraniums
The Plant Lover's Guide to Hardy Geraniums
Robin Parer
Seria: The Plant Lover''s Guide

Hardy geraniums are a mainstay of the garden, treasured as much for their handsome foliage and easy-going nature as for their charming flowers, which range from pure white to pink, rose, magenta, lila...

Literacies Across Media: Playing the Text
Literacies Across Media: Playing the Text

The contemporary young reader learns from a very early age to read and interpret through a broad range of media. Literacies Across Media explores how a group of boys and girls, aged from 10 to 14, mak...

Plan Graphics for the Landscape Designer
Plan Graphics for the Landscape Designer
T. Bertauski

For courses in Landscape Design Graphics and Introduction to Landscape Design. Plan Graphics for the Landscape Designer, Second Edition takes readers step-by-step through the design graphics process. ...

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