Many years from now, Los Angeles has become a post-apocalyptic wasteland and the once unstoppable killing machine known as Bloodshot has become The Analog Man. Bloodshot’s taken on a new role as the p...
Spinning directly out of X-Men: Schism, the X-Men are split in two. In the oversized debut issue of the new ongoing flagship X-series, Wolverine takes one half of the X-Men back to Westchester to star...
When Kitty Pryde appears to have become pregnant overnight, Beast, Iceman and Rachel Grey shrink down and enter Kitty's bloodstream to discover the truth behind her...condition! Meanwhile, Wolverine a...
AVX tie-in! Wolverine is torn between two teams! Cyclops comes to the Jean Grey School to extend an olive branch, but will Wolverine's X-Men join their estranged ex-teammates against the Avengers? Plu...
AVX tie-in! The final battle begins! The Jean Grey School for Higher Learning has seen its loyalties - and its faculty - divided by the war between the Avengers and the X-Men. But now, with the Phoeni...
When Peter Parker was bitten by a genetically enhanced spider, he became much more than the shy, introverted high school student he had always been. Possessing the proportionate strength, speed, agili...
WHO IS CADAVEROUS?! The most shocking and incredible comic of 2019 is here as J.J. ABRAMS (STAR WARS, STAR TREK, SUPER 8) and his son HENRY ABRAMS are joined by superstar artist SARA PICHELLI (MILES ...
Wondering when Boomerang's status as Spider-Man's roommate would blow up? Well, the time has come and it's all here in this continuation of Nick Spencer's action-packed take on everybody's favorite we...
The second collection of Grant Morrison's groundbreaking run on ANIMAL MAN reprints issues #10-17, plus the 19-page story from SECRET ORIGINS #39, this volume shows Animal Man moving more and more dee...
1980年、春――。 都内の大学に通う曲直瀬雄二(まなせゆうじ)は、2つの“ヒミツ”を抱えていた。 それは、高校からの腐れ縁である松永正樹への密かな想い。そしてもう1つは、自分の性に対する違和感だった。 ある日、映画業界で働く姉が撮影用の“ドレス”を雄二の家に残したことをきっかけに、雄二の人生は大きく変わることになる。 “ドレス”を身にまとった雄二は、自分の体への違和感が小さくなっていくのを知っ...
この恋に、たとえ未来がなかったとしても――。 女性として、男友達に恋をしている雄二。 婚約者のいる女性を愛する正樹。 好きな男性から、女性として見てもらえない鮎美。 家のために、愛していない男性と婚約しているエツ子。 叶わない恋心を抱えた男女4人が進む未来は……? 誰しもが、望んでいた自分との乖離に苦しみ、 そして叶わぬ夢や恋を持っている。 そんななか私達にできるのは、それでもどうにか理想の自...
The sociology of masculinity only began to assume a real significance from the late 1980s onwards, when it emerged out of the second-wave of feminist research sweeping through American, European and A...
The Gingerbread Man is a brilliant fun tale to read over and over again, this is a Level Two title for beginner readers who can read short simple sentences with help.
THE MEN IN BLACK ARE BACK -- TO SAVE THE PLANET FROM CERTAIN DOOM. When an unauthorized spacecraft lands smack-dab in the middle of New York
Starring the ultimate anti-hero, and under the helm of writer Luke Lieberman, Matt Wolpert, and artist Diego Bernard, Man with No Name Volume 2 continues the epic saga based on Sergio Leone's modern m...
MAN WALKS INTO A BAR 2 is the second volume of the hugely popular jokeseries. A one-stop shop for anyone who likes to hear and tell jokes. Thejokes are ordered thematically - wives, husbands, doctors,...
Did you hear about the scarecrow that won the Nobel Prize?He was outstanding in his field.What kind of cheese can hide a horse?Mascarpone.What about the red ship and the purple ship that collided at s...
This year, there are some new faces at BloorÂs academy. There is a new art teacher, Mr. Boldova, and a girl named Belle who has taken up residence with the Yewbeam aunts. The new art teacher is not al...