
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "przede przed laree", znaleziono 32

3 wydania
John Fowles

„Larwa” to książka z pogranicza grozy i powieści detektywistycznej, której akcja toczy się w osiemnastowiecznej Anglii. Narrator przedstawia tajemniczą wyprawę młodego szlachcica, odtworzoną na podsta...

Larwa drewnojada
Larwa drewnojada
"opracowanie zbiorowe"
Cykl: Prawdziwe owady, pajęczaki i inne robaki, tom 62
Seria: Prawdziwe owady, pajęczaki i inne robaki

Sześćdziesiąty drugi tom kolekcji "Prawdziwe owady, pajęczaki i inne robaki" + okaz - Larwa drewnojada.

Larwa dobsonfly
Larwa dobsonfly
Cykl: Prawdziwe owady, pajęczaki i inne robaki, tom 65
Seria: Prawdziwe owady, pajęczaki i inne robaki

Sześćdziesiąty piąty tom kolekcji "Prawdziwe owady, pajęczaki i inne robaki" + okaz - Larwa dobsonfly.

Lara przynosi szczęście
3 wydania
Lara przynosi szczęście
Agnieszka Stelmaszyk

Seria „Kto mnie przytuli?” oczaruje wszystkich przyjaciół zwierząt. Psiaki i kotki, o których opowiadamy, mieszkały kiedyś w schronisku dla zwierząt – w Przytulisku. Marzyły o rodzinie, domu i o tym, ...

Lara Croft. Tomb Raider
2 wydania
Lara Croft. Tomb Raider
Dave Stern

Pierwsza powieść o przygodach Lary Croft, brytyjskiej arystokratki i archeologa, "pierwszej supermodelki cyberery" nazywanej "Indianą Jonesem w spódnicy". Lara jest bohaterką najpopularniejszej gry ko...

Water for Urban Area
Water for Urban Area
Juha I. Uitto

By the year 2025, it is estimated that more than two-thirds of the world's population will be urban dwellers. In Water for Urban Areas, leading experts offer unique insights into varied issues of urba...

Lara Croft. Tomb Raider. Kolebka życia
2 wydania
Lara Croft. Tomb Raider. Kolebka życia
Dave Stern

Bohaterka podąża śladem legendy o świątyni, wybudowanej przez Aleksandra Wilekiego. Świątynia kryje w sobie potężny i niebezpieczny artefakt, Puszkę Pandory. Puszka ta przyniosła kiedyś ziemi życie, t...

Arqueologia del Area Centro sur Andina
Arqueologia del Area Centro sur Andina

Zbiór materiałów pokonferencyjnych z sympozjum, które odbyło się w Arequipa w Peru w 2005 r.

Lara Croft. Tomb Raider. Oficjalny przewodnik po filmie
Lara Croft. Tomb Raider. Oficjalny przewodnik po filmie
Alan Jones

Album przedstawia historię powstania filmu Tomb Raider - pierwszej wielkiej produkcji XXI wieku. Zdobią go niezwykłe fotografie jaskiń zbudowanych w londyńskim studiu Pinewood, mroźnych pustkowi Isla...

Monetary & Fiscal Policies in the Euro Area
Monetary & Fiscal Policies in the Euro Area
M. Carlberg

This book studies the interactions between monetary and fiscal policies in the euro area. It carefully discusses the process of policy competition and the structure of policy cooperation. As to policy...

Rural History in the North Sea Area
Rural History in the North Sea Area

This volume describes the outlines of the 'state of the art' in the field of rural history for countries such as England, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Northern France. The contributing author...

Global and regional implications of the euro area crisis
Global and regional implications of the euro area crisis

This monograph is the result of a scientific investigation conducted by the research team of the International Economics Department of the Cracow University of Economics. Its scope embraces a wide r...

Historia del relato y relato de la historia. La obra autobiográfica de Arturo Barea
Historia del relato y relato de la historia. La obra autobiográfica de Arturo Barea
Elżbieta Bender

En el presente libro se analizan las narraciones autobiográficas de Arturo Barea (1893–1957), obras que por razones ideológicas siguen siendo muy poco conocidas entre los lectores espaňoles. Es así po...

Area 10
Area 10
Christos N. Gage, Chris Samnee
Seria: Vertigo Crime

In New York City, a killer known as “Henry The Eighth” leaves a trail of decapitated corpses — keeping the severed heads to use for purposes unknown. NYPD Detective Adam Kamen leads the investigation...


Following the footsteps of Cream and Fresh Cream, 10X10, Blink, and Spoon, area is an up-to-the-minute, global overview of graphic design. This image-filled book presents the work of 100 of the world`...


"Area_2" is the newest volume in Phaidon's acclaimed "Area" series, and features 100 of the world's most interesting emerging graphic designers, as chosen by 10 of the most respected figures in the fi...

Area 51
Area 51
Bob Mayer
Cykl: Area 51, tom 1

Since before the dawning of modern man, an alien mothership and nine abandoned flying saucers have been hidden away in Area 51, a top-secret military base in the Nevada desert. There, scientists have ...

Lara, Frankfurt
Lara, Frankfurt
Thomas Silvin
Seria: Hueber Lese-Novelas

Lara stara się pracę w ekskluzywnym, prywatnym banku we Frankfurcie. Poznaje dyrektora banku – Petera, który staje się dla niej coraz bliższy, wprowadza ją również do grona młodych i bogatych mieszkań...

Area 51. The Reply
Area 51. The Reply
Bob Mayer
Cykl: Area 51, tom 2

When they uncovered the truth about Area 51, scientist Lisa Duncan and Special Forces officer Mike Turcotte revealed the secret history of decades of UFO sightings and extraterrestrial contact. But th...

Area 51. The Mission
Area 51. The Mission
Bob Mayer
Cykl: Area 51, tom 3

Book 3 in the Area 51 series The bubonic plague was a trial run. Ebola was a dress rehearsal. The real destruction begins now, and, if the Airlia are successful, the result will be total annihilation...

Elements of the Euro Area
Elements of the Euro Area
Francesco Paolo Mongelli, Jesper Berg, Mauro Grande

As time elapses since the introduction of the Euro, it is legitimate to start asking what impact the new currency and the single monetary policy have had on European integration. This book provides th...

Mountain Area Research and Management
Mountain Area Research and Management
M. Price

This book brings together scientists and practitioners from six continents to present their experience in undertaking activities that contribute to our understanding and informed management of mountai...

Surface Area & Porosity Determinations by Physisorption
Surface Area & Porosity Determinations by Physisorption
James B. Condon

Surface Area and Porosity Determinations by Physisorption is a practical guide for industry or academics to the measurement of surface area and pore size using the tool of physical adsorption. Startin...

Low-Rate Personal Area Networks
Low-Rate Personal Area Networks
Raymond L. Barrett, Jose A. Gutiérrez, Edgar H. Callaway

This SECOND EDITION of Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks: Enabling Wireless Sensors with IEEE 802.15.4 is the newest handbook in the IEEE Standards Wireless Networks Series. This updated book n...

Europe's Area of Freedom Security & Justice
Europe's Area of Freedom Security & Justice
Neil Walker

This volume explores the main areas of legal development under the so-called 'Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice (AFSJ) 'which was introduced into European law under the Treaty of Amsterdam of 199...

Monetary & Fiscal Policies in the Euro-Area
Monetary & Fiscal Policies in the Euro-Area
Willi Semmler

The emergence of a new macro economy in Euro-Asia is a great challenge for academics and policy makers alike. Our book focuses on this macro economy and the monetary and fiscal policy responses. As th...

CCNP Implementing Secured Converged Wide Area Networks
CCNP Implementing Secured Converged Wide Area Networks
D. Kotfila

The labs reinforce your understanding of how to secure and expand the reach of an enterprise network with a focus on VPN configuration and securing network access to remote sites. The book’s primary f...

Econometric Models of the Euro-area Central Banks
Econometric Models of the Euro-area Central Banks
Garrett G. Fagan

This book provides a description of the main macroeconomic models used by the European Central Bank and the euro area national central banks (Eurosystem). These models are used to help prepare economi...

Area of Freedom Security & Justice in the Enlarged Europe
Area of Freedom Security & Justice in the Enlarged Europe
Karen Henderson

The European Union is constantly changing, both in the number of countries it embraces and in policy areas where it plays a major role. The new millennium has witnessed two major changes in the EU's s...

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