Die Erzählungen des polnischen Auschwitzüberlebenden Tadeusz Borowskigehören zu den beklemmendsten Zeugnissen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Scheinbarmoralisch indifferent beschreibt Borowski die Greuel dernat...
Trzecia część mrocznej opowieści o walce Sherlocka Holmesa z organizacją odpowiedzialną za epidemię zombie w Keelodge. W wyniku napadu bandy naśladowców Kuby Rozpruwacza doktor Watson ląduje w szpi...
This book describes our current understanding of the transport of ions, amino acids, nucleosides, sugars, water and gases across the red blood cell membrane. It also outlines the necessary theoretical...
Breve storia dei trattori in lingua ucraina
This book is the story of an inherited blood disease -- Cooley s anemia or beta thalassemia. Cooley s anemia is a severe and potentially fatal anemia that affects millions of people worldwide. Written...
At the start of bestseller George's stellar new suspense novel, the grieving Thomas Lynley, a Scotland Yard detective who left the force after the murder of his pregnant wife, Helen, in With No One as...
A wandering minstrel was all Alaric wanted to be. But he was born with a power that let him travel anywhere he'd ever been -- or could see -- with a mere thought. It was harmless magic, but to the peo...
Even several years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, many organizations are ill prepared to deal with crises, often opting to address them only after the fact. In Code Red in the Boar...
The new international bestseller from the author of the world is flat. We all sense it: something big is going on. Life is speeding up, and it is dizzying. Here Thomas L. Friedman reveals the tectonic...
Heidegger and the Place of Ethics is a groundbreaking contribution to the study of both Heidegger and ethics in the Continental philosophical tradition. Despite Heidegger's identifying his own thought...
Hugo von Hofmannsthal: Elektra. Tragödie in einem Aufzug frei nach Sophokles Entstanden 1903. Erstdruck: Berlin (S. Fischer) 1904. Uraufführung am 25.1.1903 in Dresden (Königliches Opernhaus). Volls...
The "Polish Journal of Applied Psychology" is primarily devoted to original investigations that contribute new knowledge and understanding to all fields of applied psychology. PJAP is mainly intereste...