Brudna mieścina rzucona na wzgórzystym brzegu prastarej rzeki słowiańskiej, znakomitą odegrała role, w dziejach Rzeczypospolitej; historya jej? to historya naszych dwuwiekowych zapasów z Turkami, Tata...
Trzytomowy Teatr przynosi nam żywiący się codziennością i konkretem surrealizm, fantastyczną cudowność, nagle dziwniejącą rzeczywistość. Prawda wyobraźni dominuje tu nad prawdą doświadczenia. „Zjawis...
Jest to kontynuacja, ("Apokryfy Nowego Testamentu. Listy i apokalipsy chrześcijańskie" ukazały się w 2001 roku) całościowego polskiego przekładu apokryfów Nowego Testamentu pod redakcją wybitnego spec...
Katalog obrazów, akwareli, rysunków i miniatur ze zbiorów Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego podarowanych Ossolineum.
Tom III cz. 1 z cyklu Studia nad Truso. Odkrywca Truso opisuje przebieg prac archeologicznych, skarby i artefakty odnalezione przy tej okazji, oraz warunki w jakich prowadził prace. Praca naukowa podp...
Materiały II seminarium Instytutu Historii Sztuki UAM i Muzeum Narodowego w Poznaniu. Zbiór zamyka tekst Marcina Szeląga, stanowiący próbę wyjaśnienia genezy i idei obecnego sposobu ekspozycji płótna ...
Helps to stimulate growing minds and senses in the steps beyond first focus. This title includes various spreads that feature a familiar shape with a tactile and a bright illustration featuring the sh...
From the moment fourteen-year-old Kathy decides to lose her virginity and reels in her prey, she is headed for trouble. One cold, raw March night, parked in a car on the outskirts of town with four bo...
東京のとあるお屋 敷町に二本の坂がある。 ゆるやかに左にあがるのが日光坂。 右にあがるのが月光坂といい、 その月光坂の一角に見事な庭木の屋敷があり、 ひとはその家を月光坂の花屋敷と呼ぶ。 花に囲まれた屋敷で、 時が動きだす──!
Michael and his friends must rescue a child prodigy as the thrilling action continues in this electrifying fourth installment of the #1 New York Times bestselling series! Michael, Taylor, Ostin and t...
The international bestseller returns with a dazzling new epic in thetimeless style of THE FAR PAVILIONSPree Fincastle, daughter ofimpoverished British missionaries in India, is left alone and destitut...
The Darwin Awards is the legendary web site which commemorates theremains of people who have improved our gene pool by killing themselves inreally stupid ways! Practically everyone who is on the net h...
More true stories that will make you glad to be alive - the bestsellingbook taken from one of the best-known and most frequently accessed websites. The Darwin Awards - legendary true tales fromwww.Dar...
The first all-new selection of Darwin Award-winners in three years Withover 100 all-new award winners, this hilarious collection of terminalmishaps will amuse and amaze all who read it. Who can forget...
Have you ever gone just a little too far? Lexie Banks has. Yep. She just had mind-blowing sex with her stepbrother. In her defense, she was on the rebound, and it's more of a my-dad-happened-to-marr...
Beep beep! Charlie Car has a very important appointment to get to! But other vehicles keep getting in his way! What special occasion could they all be heading for?
This brand new title in the definitive "Car Design Yearbook" series features all the new cars launched worldwide from April 2006 to March 2007. Also included are profiles of the industry's leading des...
February-March 1979, Vol. 1, No. 2, "The paperback magazine of science fiction and speculative fact." Presented as a mass market paperback. Ace, NY. 317 pages. Interesting group of science fiction an...
MAN WALKS INTO A BAR 2 is the second volume of the hugely popular jokeseries. A one-stop shop for anyone who likes to hear and tell jokes. Thejokes are ordered thematically - wives, husbands, doctors,...
Did you hear about the scarecrow that won the Nobel Prize?He was outstanding in his field.What kind of cheese can hide a horse?Mascarpone.What about the red ship and the purple ship that collided at s...
In China many moons ago a thirsty emperor and a happy accident introduced what was to become the worlds most famous drink. This perfectly brewed book is a delightful blend of teatime etiquette, histor...
A worthy addition to the "Haynes Great Cars" series, this book chronicles the history of the legendary Mini, from humble beginnings as the brainchild of Alec Issigonis, through 41 years of production,...
This volume covers Darwin's reception across Europe and his influence on European science and culture.Charles Darwin is a crucial figure in nineteenth-century science with an extensive and varied rece...
A search for the soul of England? What planet was I living on? I might just as well have gone in search of a new design of wheelie bin. Or the perfect pork pie. When Steve Haywood hits 50, he is galva...