
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "remic ja nie", znaleziono 6

Legenda Kella
Legenda Kella
Andy Remic
Cykl: Kroniki Mechanicznych Wampirów, tom 1

Każdy zasłużył na odrobinę odpoczynku. Nawet bohater. Kell w niczym nie przypomina już sławionego w pieśniach żołnierza. Topór odrzucił w kąt - chce cieszyć oczy widokiem wnuczki i sączyć dobry trune...

The Dragon Engine
The Dragon Engine
Andy Remic
Cykl: Blood Dragon Empire, tom 1

Five noble war heroes of Vagandrak get drunk one night and sign a contract to journey to the Karamakkos in search of the Five Havens where, it is written, there is untold, abandoned wealth and, more i...

Soul Stealers
Soul Stealers
Andy Remic
Cykl: Kroniki Mechanicznych Wampirów, tom 2

THE CLOCKWORK VAMPIRES THIRST FOR BLOOD-OIL. The land of Falanor has fallen. The renegade hero Kell is being hunted by the machine-vampires, the Vachine. On his way to recruit reinforcements to launch...

Vampire Warlords
Vampire Warlords
Andy Remic
Cykl: Kroniki Mechanicznych Wampirów, tom 3

Legendary warrior Kell must choose to flee the conquered land of Falanor, or fight for its people. Even now it may be too late, that all is lost...for the Vachine invaders have called upon their ancie...

The Iron Wolves
The Iron Wolves
Andy Remic
Cykl: Rage of Kings, tom 1

Thirty years ago, the Iron Wolves held back mud-orc hordes at the Pass of Splintered Bones, and led a brutal charge that saw the sorcerer Morkagoth slain. This ended the War of Zakora, and made the Ir...

The White Towers
The White Towers
Andy Remic
Cykl: Rage of Kings, tom 2

Vagandrak is broken, and a new threat has arisen that threatens to defeat even the mighty Iron Wolves. The twisted, deviant Elf Rats have gathered in the toxic realm beyond the White Lion Mountains - ...

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