Zniewalająca podroż w przestrzeń komputerowego uniwersum. Na początku światem rządził chaos. Ciemne moce siały postrach plując ogniem i krwią. Do czasu gdy starzy bogowie wygnali je z Ancarii. Od tamt...
"Śpiewnik pieśni kościelnych? zawiera wybrane pieśni w układzie czterogłosowym na organy bez pedału - na cały rok liturgiczny. Jest przeznaczony przede wszystkim dla początkujących organistów, legitym...
During a protacted civil war that pitted the North against the South, the outnumbered Northerners used dark magic to create monsterous super-soldiers called Incarnates. Now that the war has ended, th...
It's no dream. At last the truth of what happened during those hellish days has come back to her. In her five thousand years as a vampire, Alisa - or Sita, as she was originally called - has experien...
This book demonstrates how D.H. Lawrence's prophetic ambitions impelled him to create novels that would radically transform the consciousness of his readers. Charles Burack argues that Lawrence's majo...
From salmonella in eggs to BSE, from the Millennium Bug to bird 'flu, from DDT to passive smoking, from asbestos to global warming, 'scares' have become one of the most conspicuous and damaging featur...
The New York Times bestselling memoir of pilgrimage and metamorphosis by the author of The Secret Life of Bees and her daughter. Sue Monk Kidd has touched the hearts of millions of readers with her b...