Fani mogą spodziewać się pełnej zaskoczeń i wzruszeń opowieści. Nie zabraknie też trudnych tematów i kontrowersji. Marcin Prokop w szczerej rozmowie z Artystą dotyka spraw, o których opinia publiczn...
Przekonaj się, że nauka angielskiego przez zabawę i muzykę to doskonały sposób na kreatywne spędzenie wolnego czasu z dzieckiem! Angielskie piosenki dla dzieci I can sing in English to pr...
Zbiór myśli ks. Kaczkowskiego to lekcja smakowania życia. Na przekór chorobie, cierpieniu, świadomości zbliżającej się śmierci. Myśli niebanalne, zaskakujące, mądre, szczere układają się w poradnik, j...
Wstęp: John Neumeier Album zawiera 126 dziewiętnastowiecznych grafik pokazujących balet romantyczny, balety i tańce wówczas powstałe, przede wszystkim zaś artystów, zarówno tych bardzo sławnych jak i ...
The recent surge in popularity of the nations of performance and performativity provides an incentive for ezamining their productivity for contemporary models of knowledge production. Drawing upon a h...
Jan Baudouin de Courtenay (1845-1929) jest pierwszym (i jednym z trzech jak dotąd) z polskich językoznawców, którzy weszli do historii światowej lingwistyki. Naukowo czynny przez ponad 60 lat, pozosta...
The book describes the reasons for the correlation between changes in the number of universally valid legal acts introduced and changes in the national economy. This book is addressed mainly to people...
Jakop is a lonely man. Divorced from his wife, with no friends apart from his constant companion Pelle, he spends his life attending the funerals of people he doesn't know, obscuring his identity ...
An entrancing story that is one of the most absorbing examinations of theEnglish in Italy since A Room With A View. Set during one week inspringtime Florence, A Party In San Niccolo follows the events...
A decade ago, The Bonfire of the Vanities defined an era--and established Tom Wolfe as our prime fictional chronicler of America at its most outrageous and alive. This time the setting is Atlanta, Geo...
Jane Goodall's classic account of primate research provides an impressively detailed and absorbing account of the early years of her field study of, and adventures with, chimpanzees in Tanzania, Afric...
Theodore Fleming's fieldwork on bats has taken him to tropical forests all over the world. This is a personal account of his many adventures, the animals and plants he has encountered, his relationshi...
Rome. 110BC. A city which is home to Gaius Marius, prosperous but lowborn, a proud and disciplined soldier emboldened by his shrewdness and self-made wealth. It is also home to Lucius Cornelius Sulla,...
Hands-on sticker activity book which enables children to practise the alphabet at home. By looking at the pictures and saying the sounds, children can anticipate which letter comes next and fill the g...
Starring the ultimate anti-hero, and under the helm of writer Luke Lieberman, Matt Wolpert, and artist Diego Bernard, Man with No Name Volume 2 continues the epic saga based on Sergio Leone's modern m...
What if the Allies had lost the Second World War ...? The Nazis have taken over New York - the Japanese control California. In a neutral buffer zone existing between the two states an underground auth...
Dumas' famous musketeers return in another exciting swashbuckler. And this time, Aramis is embarking on the most perilous mission of all: to depose King Louis XIV and put his twin brother Philip on th...
The Right Man is the first inside account of a historic year in the Bush White House, by the presidential speechwriter credited with the phrase axis of evil. David Frum helped make international headl...
William is a lonely young man under the illusion that he is a comic genius. A disastrous appearance as a stand-up comic in a pub called The Man in the Moon is the start of his adventures.
"HAVE YOU MET MADELINE MAGUIRE?" SURE HAVE, SPIKE THOUGHT. I SAW HER LAST NIGHT IN MY DREAMS. As far as bad boy Spike Moriarty was concerned, Madeline Maguire defined female perfection. When they'd m...
Captain Alatriste's affair with the beautiful actress Maria de Castro isrankling not only his long-term mistress but also the King of Spain. Withloyal companion Inigo distracted by the affections of A...
For one week in August the Burning Man Festival in Nevada Art at Burning Man, like the experience of being there itself, is a way of being outside routine existence: People return home rejuvenated and...
Odilo Globocnik, a collaborator of Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler, was responsible for the deaths of at least 1.5 million people in three Polish camps: Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec. Along with Ru...
Applying his controversial theory of evolution to the origins of the human species, Charles Darwin's The Descent of Man was the culmination of his life's work. This Penguin Classics edition is edited...
Featuring dozens of color photographs from Darwin’s original publication, this edition—issued to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth—makes this classic study newly accessible to modern...
A truly compelling, thought provoking, and relevant text for students of American foreign policy Drawing on the Bush administration's foreign policy maneuvering and the realities of a post-9/11 world,...
Frank Dempsey is back ? but this time as a father of a very different kind? Newly-wed Frank Dempsey, a former non-believing Catholic priest, can now luxuriate in the sublime joys of his wife?s arms an...