
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sarah e do", znaleziono 6

Sarah E. Kreps

W Polsce lata 100 tysięcy dronów, co stawia nas w światowej czołówce pod tym względem – podał jakiś czas temu PAP, powołując się na raport Instytutu Badań Rynku, Konsumpcji i Koniunktur. W naszym k...

Sarah E. Edwards, Ines da Costa Rocha, Elizabeth M. Williamson, Michael Heinrich ...

Publikacja Fitofarmaceutyki – oparte na dowodach naukowych kompendium leczniczych produktów ziołowych została przygotowana pod redakcją naukową prof. dr. hab. Mirosławy Krauze-Baranowskiej. Monografi...

Pocket Guide to Nutrition & Dietetics
Pocket Guide to Nutrition & Dietetics
Sarah E. Byrom

This is a clinical reference data pocket book. It contains the data most frequently used by dietitians and others in practice and is invaluable for dietetic students during their clinical placements. ...

Techno Textiles 2 Revolutionary Fabrics for Fashion & Design
Techno Textiles 2 Revolutionary Fabrics for Fashion & Design
Sarah E. Braddock

'Stimulating and absorbing ... a superb source of reference for the potential of this technology to influence the rapidly expanding field of fashion clothing' - The Times Educational Supplement 'A bri...

Breast Pathology
Breast Pathology
Frances P. O'Malley, Sarah E. Pinder

This volume in the Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology Series packs today's most essential breast pathology into a compact, high-yield format! Its pragmatic, well-organized approach, abundant full-col...

Personality Disorders in Modern Life
Personality Disorders in Modern Life
Theodore Millon, Carrie M. Millon, Sarah E. Meagher, Seth D. Grossman ...

A revision of the leading textbook on personality disorders by renowned expert Theodore Millon "Personalities are like impressionistic paintings. At a distance, each person is 'all of a piece'; up clo...

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