
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "saves endu", znaleziono 9

Nonlinear Waves and Offshore Structures
Nonlinear Waves and Offshore Structures
C. Kim

The responses of offshore structures are significantly affected by steep nonlinear waves, currents and wind, leading to phenomena such as springing and ringing of TLPs, slow drift yaw motion of FPSOs ...

English for Sales and Purchasing
English for Sales and Purchasing
Sean Mahoney, Lothar Gutjahr

English for Sales and Purchasing przyda się wszystkim fachowcom, którzy chcą zdobyć umiejętność nawiązywania kontaktów handlowych. W książce podane jest niezbędne słownictwo używane podczas planowania...

Selling and Sales Management
Selling and Sales Management
D. Jobber

Selling and Sales Management 8/e is essential reading for all marketing and management students and practitioners, in particular those with specific interests in the world of sales. The text is split ...

Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
R. Pregla

The Method of Lines (MOL) is a versatile approach to obtaining numerical solutions to partial differential equations (PDEs) as they appear in dynamic and static problems. This method, popular in scien...

Vibrations and Waves in Continuous Mechanical Systems
Vibrations and Waves in Continuous Mechanical Systems
Peter Hagedorn

This excellent book aims to provide a first course on vibrations of continuous system. The book starts with simple one-dimensional continuous systems which are easily understood and prepare the ground...

Biology of Caves and Other Subterranean Habitats
Biology of Caves and Other Subterranean Habitats
D. Culver

The Biology of Caves and Other Subterranean Habitats is a scientific book that will be of considerable value to speleobiologists interested in cave biology.

Lagrangian Transport in Geophysical Jets and Waves
Lagrangian Transport in Geophysical Jets and Waves
R. Samelson

This book provides an accessible introduction to a new set of methods for the analysis of Lagrangian motion in geophysical flows. These methods were originally developed in the abstract mathematical s...

Exchange Behavior in Selling and Sales Management
Exchange Behavior in Selling and Sales Management
P. Sheng

"Exchange Behavior in Selling and Sales Management" presents a pragmatic and easy-to-implement framework for the successful operation of selling and sales management. Focused specifically on the value...

How to Save Money - Hundreds of Money and Time Saving Hints
How to Save Money - Hundreds of Money and Time Saving Hints
Richard Benson

This book is designed to help you in many ways. While its main objective is to save you money, precisely how much you wish to save depends on you. There are ways to save a little and other ways to mak...

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