
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "science sport", znaleziono 3

Olympic Textbook of Science in Sport
Olympic Textbook of Science in Sport
R. Maughan

This new volume in the Encyclopaedia of Sports Medicine series, published under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee, delivers an up-to-date, state of the art presentation of the scient...

Dictionary of Sport and Exercise Science
Dictionary of Sport and Exercise Science

An invaluable reference book for anyone interested in the fascinating world of sport, containing over 5,000 terms relating to sport and exercise science. Coverage includes anatomy, physiology, physiot...

Foundations of Physical Education Exercise Science and Sport
D. Wuest

Integrating the traditional presentation of the nature, scope, philosophy, and history of physical education and sport with the growing career opportunities available within this dynamic field, this t...

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