
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sf na starr i", znaleziono 103

The Thrill of It
The Thrill of It
Lauren Blakely
Cykl: No Regrets, tom 1

A new adult story of Love. Sex. Addiction. Blackmail. And Power… Some say love can be an addiction. Others say it’s the thing that makes life worth living. Let me tell you everything I know about lov...

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Ścieżka Nocy
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Ścieżka Nocy
Sarah Rees Brennan

PIEKŁO MA NOWĄ KRÓLOWĄ… Sabrina Spellman właśnie odkryła prawdę o swoim pochodzeniu, a to oznacza, że będzie władać Piekłem! Tyle że ona sama – jak zwykle – ma inne plany na przyszłość… Co prawda wpa...

CT Evaluation of Coronary Artery Disease
CT Evaluation of Coronary Artery Disease
Paolo Pavone

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Western countries. In non-fatal cases, they are associated with a decreased quality of life as well as a substantial economic burden to societ...

MRI & CT of the Female Pelvis
MRI & CT of the Female Pelvis
B. Hamm

MRI and CT exquisitely depict the anatomy of the female pelvis and offer fascinating diagnostic possibilities in women with pelvic disorders. This volume provides a comprehensive account of the use of...

Concise Commentary of European IT Law
Concise Commentary of European IT Law
Corien Prins

"Concise European IT Law" aims to offer the reader a rapid understanding of all the provisions of IT law in force in Europe enacted by European and other international institutions. This volume takes ...

Combing "Unkempt thoughts" : the aphorism : a cognitive-axiological study of Myśli nieuczesane by St. J. Lec
Combing "Unkempt thoughts" : the aphorism : a cognitive-axiological study of Myśli nieuczesane by St. J. Lec
Marek Kuźniak

Marek Kuźniak - is an assistant professor in the In-stitute of English Studies at the University of Wrocław. His major areas of scholarly interests include cognitive linguistics with the elements of a...

Hepatitis C State of Art at Millennium
Hepatitis C State of Art at Millennium
Charles L. Branch Jr.

A hardbound compendium of Volume 20, Numbers 1 and 2 of the journal, Seminars in Liver Disease, this new volume brings together an international group of distinguished authors to present 16 current, i...

The 1st Heritage Forum Of Central Europe
The 1st Heritage Forum Of Central Europe

Publikacja podsumowuje 1. Forum Dziedzictwa Europy Środkowej, które odbyło się w dniach 7-9 lipca 2011r. w Krakowie. To ważne wydarzenie zostało zorganizowane przez Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury ws...

ECDL IT Security Moduł S3. Syllabus v. 1.0
ECDL IT Security Moduł S3. Syllabus v. 1.0
Alicja Żarowska-Mazur, Dawid Mazur

Europejski Certyfikat Umiejętności Komputerowych (European Computer Driving Licence ECDL) potwierdza zdobycie umiejętności w zakresie obsługi komputera i programów użytkowych po odbyciu międzynarodowe...

The amazing world of Gumball. Koszmar nocy letniej
The amazing world of Gumball. Koszmar nocy letniej
"Praca zbiorowa"

Darwin marzy o zagraniu ważnej roli w szkolnym przedstawieniu teatralnym... Ponieważ zawsze na scenie dostaje strasznej tremy, na przesłuchanie zabiera ze sobą Gumballa, który ma zadanie do wspierać. ...

Walls & Memory The Abbey of San Sebastiano at Alatri
Walls & Memory The Abbey of San Sebastiano at Alatri
M. Laird

The abbey of San Sebastiano, which lies not far from the town of Alatri in Southern Lazio, preserves within its walls almost fifteen hundred years of history. This history is unusually bound to a numb...

Economic Impact of the Container Traffic at the Port
Economic Impact of the Container Traffic at the Port
D. Coronado

In this book, we study the economic impact of the container traffic at one of the most important port in the Mediterranean: the Port of Algeciras Bay (PAB). In order to meet this general objective, we...

Lviv and Łódź at the Turn of 20th Century
Lviv and Łódź at the Turn of 20th Century
Habrel Mykola, Monika Mularska-Kucharek

The book is dedicated to the social structure of Lviv and Łódź. The contributions included in the volume provide a theoretically oriented overview of the research on this subject, performed with the u...

English at Work An English-Polish Dictionary of selected collocations
2 wydania
English at Work An English-Polish Dictionary of selected collocations
Dorota Osuchowska

Słownik kolokacji werbo-nominalnych zawierających ok. 5000 wyrażeń i zwrotów angiel-skich związanych z pracą i zatrudnieniem, adresowany do osób pracujących w środowisku anglojęzycznym lub przygotowuj...

Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy CT & MRI Imaging v 1
Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy CT & MRI Imaging v 1
Torsten Moeller

The first of a two-volume set which identifies the anatomical details visualized in the sectional imaging modalities. As a comprehensive reference, it is an aid when interpreting images: schematic dra...

Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy CT & MRI Imaging v 1 3e
Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy CT & MRI Imaging v 1 3e
Torsten Moeller

Now with all new images, known to radiologists around the world for its superior illustrations and practical features, the "Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy" reflects the very latest in state-of-the-...

Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy CT & MRI Imaging v 2 3e
Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy CT & MRI Imaging v 2 3e
Torsten Moeller

The second of a three-volume set which identifies the anatomical details visualized in the sectional imaging modalities. As a comprehensive reference, it is a great aid when interpreting images; schem...

Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy CT & MRI Imaging v 3 3e
Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy CT & MRI Imaging v 3 3e
Torsten Moeller

Known to radiologists around the world for its superior illustrations and practical features, the ´Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy´ now reflects the very latest in state-of-the-art imaging technol...

Spatial development of Polish and Ukrainian Big Cities at the Beginning of the 21st Century
Spatial development of Polish and Ukrainian Big Cities at the Beginning of the 21st Century
Habrel Mykola, Tadeusz Marszał

Poland and Ukraine have a centuries-long history of neighbourly relations. There have been various periods in the long coexistence of the two nations, sometimes good and sometimes painful - besides co...

Brand it Like Beckham : The Story of How Brand Beckham Was Built
Brand it Like Beckham : The Story of How Brand Beckham Was Built
Andy Milligan

There is no one quite like David Beckham: brilliant footballer, dedicated athlete, fashion model, global icon and all-round celebrity. David Beckham has become one of the most pwerful brands in the m...

Roman amphorae of the 1st-3rd centuries AD found on the Lower Danube : typology
Roman amphorae of the 1st-3rd centuries AD found on the Lower Danube : typology
Piotr Dyczek

Roman amphorae of the 1st-3rd centuries AD found on the Lower Danube Typology

How to live. How to create your future. Recognize the power of your brain and use it
How to live. How to create your future. Recognize the power of your brain and use it
Wioletta Wilczyńska

If you feel that something is wrong with your life. For a long time you have been unsuccessfully looking for the key to happiness and success, this is the best moment to change. Wioletta Wilczyńska, t...

Parties and Party Systems in the EU Member States at the Turn of the 20th and 21st Centuries
Parties and Party Systems in the EU Member States at the Turn of the 20th and 21st Centuries
Sabina Klimek, Jan Klimek

Monografia, którą oddajemy do rąk Czytelnika jest pierwszą w polskiej literaturze politologicznej próbą całościowego spojrzenia na życie polityczne zjednoczonej Europy, bez podziału na zachodnią i wsc...

The Mighty Heart of Sunny St. James
The Mighty Heart of Sunny St. James
Ashley Herring Blake

Twelve-year-old Sunny St. James navigates heart surgery, reconnections with a lost mother, first kisses, and emerging feelings for another girl. When Sunny St. James receives a new heart, she deci...

Charters of St Albans
Charters of St Albans
J. Crick

Seat of the oldest saint's cult in Britain, St Albans has a remarkable claim to continuity of cult from Romano-British times. The recent discovery of previously unknown charters, most of them in the v...

The Jewel of St. Petersburg
The Jewel of St. Petersburg
Kate Furnivall
Cykl: The Russian Concubine, tom 1

Russia, 1910. Valentina Ivanova is the darling of St. Petersburg's elite aristocracy-until her romance with a Danish engineer creates a terrible scandal and her parents push her into a loveless engage...

Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society
Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society
N. Uraltseva

This and the previous volume in the series (see TRANS2/218) consist of articles written on the occasion of the 60th birthday anniversary of the well-known St. Petersburg specialist in number theory Se...

The Edge of it All
The Edge of it All
Jessica Grayson
Cykl: Mosauran, tom 1

When I went into cryosleep on the way from Mars to Earth, I never expected to wake up in a cage. When I’m rescued by a fierce Mosauran Dragon warrior, I am both grateful and wary. Soran is a Prince ...

I could do anything, if I knew what it was
I could do anything, if I knew what it was
Barbara Smith, Barbara Sher

Isn't It Time You Followed Your Real Dreams? This extraordinary book is designed to help you achieve them. In it, Barbara Sher goes beyond the groundbreaking principles introduced in her phenomenal n...

Grace & Freedom Operative Grace in Thought of St Thomas Aqui
Grace & Freedom Operative Grace in Thought of St Thomas Aqui
Bernard Lonergan

Grace and Freedom represents Lonergan's entry into subject matter that would occupy him throughout his lifetime. At the same time it is a manifestation of the thinking that has made him one of the wor...

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