Adore. Pleasure. Provide. A thousand years of climate change, genetic testing, and war destroyed civilisation as it was. From the remains came the age of The Trade and The Crown. In return for reso...
Against the background of a regional crisis caused by dynastic change in China and the closure of Japan in the middle of the seventeenth century, the Vietnamese kingdom of Tonkin rose to the fore as t...
Whether your preferred medium is canvas or paper, wood or stone, this reasonably priced series of books for beginners demonstrates fascinating drawing, painting and design techniques for a variety of ...
Wciąż rozrastając się panteon snujących sieci wojowników Marvela powiększa się raz jeszcze! Nadszedł czas, by ukrywana przez lata sensacyjna Silk zajęła swoje miejsce pośród superbohaterów Domu Pomys...
Hasidism, a kabbalah-inspired movement founded by Israel Ba'al Shem Tov (c1700-1760), transformed Jewish communities across Eastern and East Central Europe. In Men of Silk, Glenn Dynner draws upon new...
'A fine, strong, confident novel -- and what a storyteller Tash Aw is. Unputdownable' Doris Lessing 'The Harmony Silk Factory is an utterly remarkable debut. It's a dream of a novel, lovely and exquis...
Highly emotional, erotic, sensitive story of second chances at life, and love. Emma a single mother to seven year old London finds herself separated and on the verge of a divorce. She is not looking f...
There are 6.3 billion people living on this planet and half of them are in Asia. The authors support the idea that the demographic, cultural, social, and economic forces in that part of the world will...
Today the world is focusing unprecedented attention on Asia and the Middle East, rediscovering a cultural, political, and geographical landscape that has fascinated and frustrated Westerners since the...