This unique, outstanding and comprehensive textbook on diseases of the nose is unsurpassed in its kind. "Rhinology and Facial Plastic Surgery" covers and illustrates all relevant surgical steps and su...
The publication presents several dozen judgements of European and constitutional tribunals and of Polish as well as foreign courts which relate to the main issues of the debate conducted in Poland now...
This atlas, organized in two sections -neurosurgical section and maxillo-facial section- provides a comprehensive overview of the most modern surgical techniques in cranio-facial and skull base surger...
Tackling a wide range of Vodou practices and images, the essays in this collection introduce readers to the history and practice of the religion, and correct the many of the general misconceptions abo...
Mergers and Acquisitions: Text and Cases provides guiding frameworks and information on Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), complemented by a set of well-matched cases. The purpose is not to rehash the ex...
This collection of 60 cases covers the clinically relevant physiology topics that first- and second-year medical students need to know for a first-year physiology course and for USMLE Step 1. Organize...
Thieme proudly announces the eagerly anticipated second edition of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Highlighted by more than 1,800 crystal-clear illustrations and nearly 1,300 pages of text,...
This casebook collects the most important decisions and other materials in employment law together. Designed to be used in conjunction with any employment law textbook, it contains extracts from over ...
Cases and Materials on Constitutional and Administrative Law provides students with the wide range of legal materials required for success in undergraduate courses. Extracts from leading cases are com...
Bonnie Prince Charlie is one of the best-known historical Scottish heroes. He was not, however, Scottish, but was born into the Stuart Dynasty in Rome, Italy on December 31, 1720. His grandfather, Jam...
Dagbert Endless is a strange new boy at Bloor's Academy. And he's driving Cgarlies friends away. Meanwhile, distant howls frighten the town at night. Could there be a dangerous wlf lurking in the wild...
Cases and Materials on UK and EC Competition Law is designed to help the reader make sense of this fast-developing and often complex area of law. By providing readers with a broad range of materials r...
This is a new and extensively updated edition of one of leading and authoritive books on the subject of IT costs and benefits. Since it was first published in the early 1990s, this book has establishe...
This book presents an extensive collection of cases, statutory provisions, recently published articles and comments designed to define, explain and illustrate the main principles of criminal law. It p...
As the only text on the market to focus exclusively on presenting cases and materials, this unique selection of extracts supports and illustrates the points of law covered in typical European Union la...
To allow full exploration of the emerging field of International HRM this book addresses human resource management topics from a cross-cultural perspective. The collection of cases and readings it con...
This casebook, the result of the collaborative efforts of a panel of experts from various EU Member States, is the latest in the "Ius Commune Casebook" series developed at the Universities of Maastric...
Apply Access and Excel effectively and efficiently to solve real-world business problems in this seventh edition of Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft Access and Excel, International Edition. With six...
The Worldwide Destinations and Companion Book of Cases Set brings together two essential and complimentary reference works offering comprehensive and up to date information, in one value for money pac...
This book is the result of a "State of the Art Conference" held at the University of Georgia dedicated to the evidence-based treatment of stuttering. An international group of prominent fluency resear...
A biography of the cast of "Star Trek: The Next Generation", which reveals information about the actors who starred as the crew of the "Enterprise-D". It details their lives, their roles outside of "S...