
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "snami stories", znaleziono 4

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Bernard Gotfryd

Zbiór 11 opowiadań Gotfryda to jedyny znany mi literacki obraz przemysłowego miasta Radomia, w dodatku Radomia żydowskiego, przedwojennego. W 2009 roku książka zdobyła NAGRODĘ LITERACKĄ MIASTA RADOMI...

Joseph Conrad

Joseph Conrad's early life was spent at sea as an officer in the MerchantNavy, and his experiences as a young man shaped his view of life and hiswriting. The three short stories in this collection pro...

True Sea Stories
True Sea Stories

From Francis Drake's voyage on the Golden Hinde to the terror of the Piper Alpha disaster, this book recounts stories of courage, heroism and disaster on the high seas.

Oxford Book of Sea Stories
Oxford Book of Sea Stories
T. Tanner

Malevolent, mysterious, vast, the ocean has always sparked our fascination and sense of adventure, giving rise to a remarkable vein of narrative deftly mined here by editor Tony Tanner. In the twenty-...

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