
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sobie errors", znaleziono 13

Komedia omyłek
3 wydania
Komedia omyłek
William Shakespeare

Pięcioaktówka genialnego dramaturga, w której obyczajowy obrazek ożywa komiczną intrygą i nieoczekiwaną kulminacją. Jak to u Shakespeare' a - miłość, zawiść i humor - a przede wszystkim, szczęśliwe z...

Komedia omyłek. Stracone zachody miłości
Komedia omyłek. Stracone zachody miłości
William Shakespeare

Komedia omyłek Pięcioaktówka genialnego dramaturga, w której obyczajowy obrazek ożywa komiczną intrygą i nieoczekiwaną kulminacją. Jak to u Shakespeare' a - miłość, zawiść i humor - a przede wszystkim...

Pi razy oko. Komedia matematycznych pomyłek
Pi razy oko. Komedia matematycznych pomyłek
Matt Parker

Pierwsza w historii książka o tematyce matematycznej, która zajęła pierwsze miejsce na liście bestsellerów „Sunday Timesa”! Przeczytajcie o zabawnych – a także tragicznych – konsekwencjach matemat...

Plots And Errors
Plots And Errors
Mcgown Jill

Plots And Errors

Desktop guides. Common Errors
Desktop guides. Common Errors

Chambers Common Errors will help anyone who wants to avoid the errors and style faults that occur most frequently in English. This handy book contains in one volume guidance on spelling, pronunciation...

Avoiding Common ICU Errors
Avoiding Common ICU Errors
L. Marcucci

This pocket book succinctly describes 318 errors commonly made by attendings, residents, interns, nurses, and nurse-anesthetists in the intensive care unit, and gives practical, easy-to-remember tips ...

Avoiding Common Surgical Errors
Avoiding Common Surgical Errors
L. Marcucci

This pocket book lists 250 errors commonly made by interns, residents, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants when working unsupervised with surgical patients on the ward or in the operating ro...

Inborn Errors of Development
Inborn Errors of Development
C. Epstein

This is an impressive and exciting book, a must-have for clinical geneticists and basic scientists at all levels of their careers...There is no publication comparable to this wonderful and well edited...

Architecture Design for Soft Errors
Architecture Design for Soft Errors
S. Mukherjee

This book provides a comprehensive description of the architectural techniques to tackle the soft error problem. It covers the new methodologies for quantitative analysis of soft errors as well as nov...

Doctors' Errors & Mistakes of Medicine
Doctors' Errors & Mistakes of Medicine

During the last decades, healthcare in the various industrialized countries has been deteriorating steadily. The enormous progress of medicine in the same period could only partly compensate for the l...

Military Errors of World War Two
Military Errors of World War Two
K. Macksey

This work contains 16 examples of greed, arrogance and complacency which contributed to failure and defeat in World War II. It includes Hitler's postponement of the invasion of Britain, the Battle for...

Pediatric Endocrinology and Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Pediatric Endocrinology and Inborn Errors of Metabolism
K. Sarafoglou

* Audience includes General Pediatricians and Pediatric Residents * The contributor's list is a who's who of international authorities in pediatric endocrinology, genetics, and metabolism * Extensive ...

Anglican Difficulties: A New Syllabus of Errors
Anglican Difficulties: A New Syllabus of Errors
Edward Norman

Unfashionably, Norman writes extensively in Anglican Difficulties about authority, the deposit of faith, and tradition. God, he argues, provided a structured order in human relationships in order to c...

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