
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "spoz shira", znaleziono 28

Cat Shit One vol.2
Cat Shit One vol.2
Motofumi Kobayashi
Cykl: Cat Shit One, tom 2

Dalszy ciąg przygód oddziału do zadań specjalnych na wojnie w Wietnamie. Drużyna Sierżanta Parkinsa znów w akcji. Tym razem oddział Cat Shit One dostaje się do niewoli. Musi stoczyć serię niebezpieczn...

Cat Shit One vol.1
Cat Shit One vol.1
Motofumi Kobayashi
Cykl: Cat Shit One, tom 1

Cat Shit One - manga Motofumiego Kobayashiego. Przedstawia losy oddziału "Cat Shit One" z szeregów SOG walczących w Wietnamie. Manga pokazuje przygody oddziału i wojnę w Wietnamie, w której poszczegól...

Cat Shit One vol.3
Cat Shit One vol.3
Motofumi Kobayashi
Cykl: Cat Shit One, tom 3

Trzeci tom opowiadający historie jednostki zwiadowczej, w której skład wchodzi trzech wiernych przyjaciół, których udziałem są nie tylko traumatyczne przeżycia wojenne, ale również brak czytelnych cza...

Shi ki. Tom 5
Shi ki. Tom 5
Ryuu Fujisaki, Fuyumi Ono
Cykl: Shiki, tom 5

Nie mogąc znaleźć dobrego sposobu na przekonanie mieszkańców Sotoby o istnieniu Powstałych, zdenerwowany doktor Ozaki kłóci się z Seishinem. W tym samym czasie Natsuno Yuuki, zaatakowany wcześniej prz...

Shi ki. Tom 6
Shi ki. Tom 6
Fuyumi Ono, Ryu Fujisaki
Cykl: Shiki, tom 6

Marzenia Natsuno o ucieczce stają się coraz bardziej odległe. Ataki ze strony jego przyjaciela, Tooru, coraz szybciej pchają go w objęcia śmierci. Tymczasem doktor Ozaki próbuje znaleźć sposób na pora...

Shi ki. Tom 3
Shi ki. Tom 3
Fuyumi Ono, Ryu Fujisaki
Cykl: Shiki, tom 3

Po spotkaniu z Natsuno doktor Ozaki jest już pewien, że powodem serii tajemniczych zgonów i zniknięć nie jest epidemia. W tym samym czasie chłopaka dręczą wątpliwości co do śmierci Megumi, dlatego pos...

Shi ki. Tom 4
Shi ki. Tom 4
Ryu Fujisaki
Cykl: Shiki, tom 4

Za oknem pokoju, w którym przebywa Setsuko Yasumori, pojawia się ktoś, kto przecież powinien już nie żyć, jej córka Nao! Ozaki i Muroi stają się czujniejsi, ale kiedy przerwa w dostawie prądu spowija ...

Shi. Tom 2. Król-Demon
Shi. Tom 2. Król-Demon
Benoît "Zidrou" Drousie, José Homs
Cykl: Shi (Dargaud), tom 2

Czterotomowa seria przygodowa autorstwa Zidrou (scen.) oraz J. Homs’a (rys.), grafika cyklu „Millenium”. Rok 1751. Pierwsza Wystawa Światowa w Londynie, miejsce gdzie ma być prezentowany dorobek kultu...

Shi. Tom 1. Na początku był gniew...
Shi. Tom 1. Na początku był gniew...
Benoît "Zidrou" Drousie, José Homs
Cykl: Shi (Dargaud), tom 1

Czterotomowa seria przygodowa autorstwa Zidrou (scen.) oraz J. Homs’a (rys.), grafika cyklu "Millenium". Rok 1751. Pierwsza Wystawa Światowa w Londynie, miejsce gdzie ma być prezentowany dorobek kultu...

David Bailey

The premise of this book couldn't be simpler: 130 photographs of DamienHirst taken by David Bailey during a single shoot lasting eight minutes.Each pose is spontaneous and determined not by Bailey but...

What Dreams May Come. A Stir of Echoes. Somewhere in Time.*
Ship of Smoke and Steel
Ship of Smoke and Steel
Django Wexler

In the lower wards of Kahnzoka, the great port city of the Blessed Empire, eighteen-year-old ward boss Isoka comes to collect when there’s money owing. When her ability to access the Well of Combat is...

Wunderwaffen #9- Le Visiteur Du Soir
Wunderwaffen #9- Le Visiteur Du Soir
Richard D. Nolane
Cykl: Wunderwaffen, tom 9

Au coeur de l'Antarctique se joue le cours de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale ... et le sort de l'Humanité ! Aiguillonnés par Churchill et De Gaulle, les Américains prennent enfin conscience que ce qui se ...

Thirst No. 2: Phantom, Evil Thirst, and Creatures of Forever
Thirst No. 2: Phantom, Evil Thirst, and Creatures of Forever
Christopher Pike
Cykl: Thirst, tom 2

Includes: Phantom Evil Thirst Creatures of Forever Tears roll over my face. I touch them with my quivering tongue. They are clear and salty, not dark and bloody. Another sign that I am human. What ...

A Stir of Echoes
A Stir of Echoes
Richard Matheson

Tom Wallace lived an ordinary life, until a chance event awakened psychic abilities he never knew he possessed. Now he's hearing the private thoughts of the people around him and learning shocking ...

Thirst No. 3: The Eternal Dawn
Thirst No. 3: The Eternal Dawn
Christopher Pike
Cykl: Thirst, tom 3

Alisa has spent the past five thousand years as a vampire, living alone and fighting for survival. In her loneliness, Alisa cannot resist bringing Teri—a descendant of her human family—into her life. ...

Thirst No. 5: The Sacred Veil
Thirst No. 5: The Sacred Veil
Christopher Pike
Cykl: Thirst, tom 5

It's no dream. At last the truth of what happened during those hellish days has come back to her. In her five thousand years as a vampire, Alisa - or Sita, as she was originally called - has experien...

Slave Ship - Bounty Hunter Wars b.2 - STAR WARS
Slave Ship - Bounty Hunter Wars b.2 - STAR WARS
K. Jeter

He's both feared and admired, respected and despised. Boba Fett is the galaxy's most successful bounty hunter. Now he finds himself the hunted in the oldest game of all: survival of the fittest. The o...

Erebus The Story of a Ship
Erebus The Story of a Ship
Michael Palin

Michael Palin – Monty Python star and television globetrotter – brings the remarkable Erebus back to life, following it from its launch in 1826 to the epic voyages of discovery that led to glory in th...

Thirst No. 4: The Shadow of Death
Thirst No. 4: The Shadow of Death
Christopher Pike
Cykl: Thirst, tom 4

Alisa is a five-thousand-year-old vampire, stronger and more cunning than her adversaries. But now she's trapped in the body of a newborn vampire and at the mercy of a terrible thirst. Worst of all, s...

Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (Manhua) Vol. 1
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (Manhua) Vol. 1
Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Cykl: Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: The Comic, tom 1

Also known as MDZS, this full-color comic adaptation of the New York Times bestselling novels–which inspired a wildly popular animated series as well as the live-action show The Untamed–will be publi...

Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (Manhua) Vol. 2
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (Manhua) Vol. 2
Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Cykl: Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: The Comic, tom 2

After a brush with a renegade deity, Lan Wangji invites Wei Wuxian back to the Lan Clan of Gusu. But Lan Wangji seems different from the young man Wei Wuxian used to know. This Lan Wangji keeps a sec...

Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (Manhua) Vol. 4
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (Manhua) Vol. 4
Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Cykl: Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: The Comic, tom 4

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian arrive at a desolate city where the bodies of massacred clan members rest uneasily in their graves. A cold case here once shocked the major cultivation clans–and the murdere...

Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (Manhua) Vol. 3
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (Manhua) Vol. 3
Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Cykl: Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: The Comic, tom 3

Wei Wuxian’s studies come to an abrupt end when he picks a fight with a young master of the Jin Clan. A lifetime later, he wakes from his dream of days gone by to find he’s still unraveling the myste...

Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (Manhua) Vol. 6
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (Manhua) Vol. 6
Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Cykl: Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: The Comic, tom 6

To escape the villainous scheming of Xue Yang, A-Qing is determined to flee, and take her companion Xiao Xingchen along with her. But Xiao Xingchen cannot shake his sense of responsibility–he resolve...

Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (Manhua) Vol. 5
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (Manhua) Vol. 5
Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Cykl: Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: The Comic, tom 5

Seeking the truth behind Xiao Xingchen’s death, Wei Wuxian uses the dangerous power of “Empathy” to gaze into the past. He discovers that years ago, the newly blinded Xiao Xingchen journeyed to the r...

5 in Five - BEDMaR and SHi
5 in Five - BEDMaR and SHi

In this captivating collection of five houses built in five differentAsian-Pacific countries, Argentinean-born designer Ernesto Bedmar exploreshis fascination with traditional architectural styles and...

Selected Statistical Papers of Sir David Cox 2 vols
Selected Statistical Papers of Sir David Cox 2 vols
D. Cox

Sir David Cox is one of the seminal statistical thinkers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. In this selection of his work, Professor Cox reviews his most influential and interesting papers p...