
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "stada straz", znaleziono 42

Epoka lodowcowa 2. Odwilż. Dołącz do naszego stada!
Epoka lodowcowa 2. Odwilż. Dołącz do naszego stada!
Ellie Oryan

Nie jest łatwo być ostatnim mamutem na Ziemi. Na szczęście Maniek znalazł stado, które może uznać za swoje. Kiedy jednak lód zaczyna topnieć, stado musi uciekać przed nadciągającą powodzią...

Die stadt der kinder B
Die stadt der kinder B
Schluter Andreas

Ben liebt Computerspiele über alles und besonders seine Neuerwerbung >Die Stadt der Kinder

Fash Study Book o wydawaniu e-booków
Fash Study Book o wydawaniu e-booków
Eliza Wydrych-Strzelecka

Kompendium wiedzy o wydawaniu e-booków. Ta publikacja przeprowadzi Cię przez cały proces wydawniczy i pomoże go zrozumieć. Po przeczytaniu tego e-booka będziesz dobrze przygotowany do wydania swojego ...

PRAKTYKA ZARZĄDZANIA. Studia przypadków. Case study 1
PRAKTYKA ZARZĄDZANIA. Studia przypadków. Case study 1
Wojciech Olejniczak

Przedstawiony zbiór przypadków stanowi ciekawy, interdyscyplinarny zestaw materiałów dydaktycznych do zastosowania w nauczaniu: Zarzadzania marketingowego, strategicznego i personalnego oraz Inżynieri...

On Alterity A study of monstrosity and otherness
On Alterity A study of monstrosity and otherness
Katarzyna Więckowska

Książka poświęcona jest najogólniej mówiąc, zagadnieniom obcości, inności i monstrualności we współczesnych teoriach krytycznych, które to zagadnienia autorka wspiera analizą powieści Angeli Carter.

Conflict & Consensus A Study of Values & Attitudes
Conflict & Consensus A Study of Values & Attitudes
T. Fahey

This study presents a detailed comparison of cultural values and attitudes in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. It is based on survey data covering the period from the 1970s to 2003 but fo...

NAJLEPSZE PRAKTYKI ZARZĄDZANIA. Studia przypadków. Case study 2
NAJLEPSZE PRAKTYKI ZARZĄDZANIA. Studia przypadków. Case study 2
Aneta Zelek

Doskonała, aktywizująca lektura zarówno dla studentów zarzadzania, jak i dla praktyków zarządzania. Autorzy zadbali po pierwsze o właściwy dobór opisywanych przypadków, po drugie o ich bardzo atrakcyj...

Farming in a Global Economy A Case Study
Farming in a Global Economy A Case Study
F. Schryer

Using a Canadian case study, this book demonstrates that Dutch immigrant farmers have a global competitive advantage. It also deals with the implications, both beneficial and harmful, of positive ster...

Post Accession Migration in Europe a Polish Case Study
Post Accession Migration in Europe a Polish Case Study
Alison Stenning

W prezentowanej książce autorki poruszają kwestię migracji ludności z najnowszych państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej. Temat ten jest często przedmiotem głębokiej refleksji politycznej i akademicki...

Development In the Desert. A Case Study of Farafra Oasis, Egypt
Development In the Desert. A Case Study of Farafra Oasis, Egypt

Instytut Krajów Rozwijających się Wydziału Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego przeprowadził w latach 90. XX w. serię badań w oazie Farafra w Egipcie. Najważniejszym etapem był...

Changes in Student Achievement Assessment System in Selected European Countries - a Comparative Study
Changes in Student Achievement Assessment System in Selected European Countries - a Comparative Study
Lech Sałaciński, Andreas Seidel

An international team of educationalists has undertaken the difficult task of exploring those neglected districts and researching the meander of various school assessment systems followed in order to ...

Combing "Unkempt thoughts" : the aphorism : a cognitive-axiological study of Myśli nieuczesane by St. J. Lec
Combing "Unkempt thoughts" : the aphorism : a cognitive-axiological study of Myśli nieuczesane by St. J. Lec
Marek Kuźniak

Marek Kuźniak - is an assistant professor in the In-stitute of English Studies at the University of Wrocław. His major areas of scholarly interests include cognitive linguistics with the elements of a...

A study of the biology of Lipara Meigen 1830 flies inhabiting the apical part of stems of Phragmites australis Trinius ex Steudel 1841
A study of the biology of Lipara Meigen 1830 flies inhabiting the apical part of stems of Phragmites australis Trinius ex Steudel 1841
Maria Grochowska

W pracy opisano cykl życiowy wszystkich występujących w Polsce gatunków muchówek z rodzaju Lipara (L. lucens, L. similis, L. rufitarsis i L. pullitarsis). Opis każdego z nich zawiera szczegółowe infor...

Stecken, Stab und Stangl / Raststätte / Wolken / Heim: Neue Theaterstücke
Stecken, Stab und Stangl / Raststätte / Wolken / Heim: Neue Theaterstücke
Elfriede Jelinek

Im Februar 1995 ermordeten rechtsradikale Bombenleger im österreichischen Burgenland vier junge Roma, die "den Fehler hatten, nicht rechtzeitig das Aussehen und die Namen unserer Bekannten angenomme...

Ephesians: A Biblical Study
Ephesians: A Biblical Study
Joyce Meyer

Internationally renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer provides a close study and commentary on Ephesians, emphasizing the importance of living in Christ and putting your relationship with God first. Pa...

Stadt Form Raum Netz An Exhibition
Stadt Form Raum Netz An Exhibition
W. Prix

Das Thema der Biennale 2006 in Venedig wurde von Richard Burdett ausgegeben: Meta-Cities. Der Beitrag des osterreichischen Kommissars, Wolf D. Prix (unk ) Mastermind von Coop Himmelb(l)au und Professo...

STAMP 2 Communications & Control Projects
STAMP 2 Communications & Control Projects
T. Petruzzellis

Everything you need to build, program, and customize 20 great communications-specific projects using the BASIC STAMP II microprocessor.Key Features/Benefits: * Features 20 projects, from simple serial...

MySQL 5 Certification Study Guide
MySQL 5 Certification Study Guide
S. Hinz

With more than 4 million active installations, MySQL is the world's most popular open-source database. Known for its speed, reliability and ease of use, MySQL has become a low-cost alternative to expe...

Case Study Research 4 vols
Case Study Research 4 vols
M. David

Case study research has a long and varied history within and beyond the social sciences. This collection brings together the key articles on this method from the full range of social science disciplin...

Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide
Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide
J. Tintinalli

Pharmacologic Considerations added throughout (such as pharmacology of interactions/allergies to pain medications, pharmacology of asthma drugs; special pharmacologic considerations for diabetic patie...

Wilkomirski Affair A Study in Biographical
Wilkomirski Affair A Study in Biographical
S. Maechler

Documents the author's extensive investigation into the authenticity of the controversial publication, "Fragments," covering his research through hundreds of documents and with family and witnesses fr...

Studying a Study and Testing a Test
Studying a Study and Testing a Test
Richard K. Riegelman

Recommended in the Brandon/Hill selected list of print books and journals for the small medical library - April 2001 & 2003 Now in its Fifth Edition, this best-selling text presents a step-by-step app...

Networking Basics CCNA 1 Labs & Study Guide
Networking Basics CCNA 1 Labs & Study Guide
S. Mc Reynolds

The all-new Labs and Study Guide titles combine the best of the former Lab Companions and Engineering Journal and Workbooks with new features to improve the student's hands-on skills and reinforce the...

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide
K. Sierra

Get the book that shows you not only what to study, but how to studyThe only classroom-based integrated study system for professional certification gives you complete coverage of all objectives for th...

LPIC-1 Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Gui
LPIC-1 Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Gui
R. Smith

Building on the popular Sybex Study Guide approach, this book will provide 100% coverage of the LPIC-1, Exams 101 and 102 objectives. The book will contain clear and concise information on all Linu...

Money & Employment a Study of the Theoretical Implications o
Money & Employment a Study of the Theoretical Implications o
Peter Docherty

Money and Employment examines the analytical role of money within classical, neoclassical and Keynesian theories of output and employment. The book argues that an endogenously determined money supply ...

Ultimate Network+ Certification Exam Cram 2 Study Kit
Ultimate Network+ Certification Exam Cram 2 Study Kit

This bundle is the perfect study tool for the nearly 4,000 candidates who are taking the Network+ exam each month. The certification is endorsed by Microsoft (as part of its popular new MCSA program),...

Study of World Politics v. 2 Globalization and Governance
Study of World Politics v. 2 Globalization and Governance
James N. Rosenau

James RosenauÂs work is known for its originality and clarity and the sixteen articles in this new volume are no exception. Tackling the specific challenges posed by globalization and governance, this...

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