
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "stare zart", znaleziono 12

Kartki ze starego albumu
Kartki ze starego albumu
Maria Leśkiewicz

Wspomnienia Marii Leśkiewicz z dzieciństwa, spędzonego w Rosji - w osadzie Kamienskoje Zaporoże nad Dnieprem, a od 1921 roku w Polsce. Honorarium autorskie zostało przeznaczone na rzecz Centrum Zdro...

Hepatitis C State of Art at Millennium
Hepatitis C State of Art at Millennium
Charles L. Branch Jr.

A hardbound compendium of Volume 20, Numbers 1 and 2 of the journal, Seminars in Liver Disease, this new volume brings together an international group of distinguished authors to present 16 current, i...

Modelling Fluid Flow the State of the Art
Modelling Fluid Flow the State of the Art

Modelling Fluid Flow presents invited lectures, workshop summaries and a selection of papers from a recent international conference CMFF '03 on fluid technology. The lectures follow the current evolut...

Architektura Ziemi Trzebińskiej na starych kartach pocztowych, ilustracjach i mapach XIX i XX wieku
Architektura Ziemi Trzebińskiej na starych kartach pocztowych, ilustracjach i mapach XIX i XX wieku
Jan Kozub

Reprodukcje starych kart pocztowych, fotografii, map i ilustracji Trzebini i okolic z XIX i XX wieku, wraz z opisem.

Russian State Archive of Literature & Art Complete Archive G
Russian State Archive of Literature & Art Complete Archive G
K. Waschik

The Russian State Archive of Literature and Art is one of Russia's largest archive collections. This CD-ROM edition describes 2,902 record groups containing almost 1.5 million individual documents; 90...

Art and the State
Art and the State
Victoria D. Alexander

This book examines the impact of states and their policies on visual art. States shape the role of art and artists in society, influence the development of audiences, support artistic work, and even a...

The State of the Art
The State of the Art
Iain M. Banks
Cykl: Kultura, tom 4

The State of Art is the only collection of Ian Banks' short fiction, and includes the acclaimed Culture novella of the same name. From science fiction to horror, dark-coated fantasy to morality tale, ...

State of the Art Vaginal Surgery
State of the Art Vaginal Surgery
N. Goel

A full-color text, complete with DVD, that covers all aspects of vaginal surgery -- from anatomy to advanced techniques Surgery plays a key role in the medical management of a wide range of gynecologi...

Governor Nelson A. Rockeffeller Empire State Plaza Art
Governor Nelson A. Rockeffeller Empire State Plaza Art
D. Andreson

Nelson A. Rockefeller, one of the greatest art patrons of the recent past and as yet unheralded for the extraordinary legacy he left behind, had an inspired vision for New York State's capital. While ...

Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Design The State of the Art
Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Design The State of the Art

This report contains a valuable summary of state-of-the-art groundwater monitoring network designs and was prepared for the needs of analysts and practitioners. The Task Committee on Long-Term Groundw...

State of the Art Atlas of Endoscopic Surgery in Infertility
State of the Art Atlas of Endoscopic Surgery in Infertility
Nutan Jain

Describes endoscopic surgical steps with help of high quality colour illustrations:* Highly subject specific* Additions of recent advances in the field* This atlas has the combination of text referenc...

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