
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "story strat", znaleziono 3

Operowe stra... aaa... chy
Operowe stra... aaa... chy
Izabella Klebańska

Ta melodia jest z opery?! Przecież ja ją znam! No właśnie! Jestem przekonana, drogi Czytelniku, że znasz większość utworów zamieszczonych na dołączonej do książki płycie, a pochodzą one właśnie z n...

Goal Directed Project Management Effective Techniques & Stra
Goal Directed Project Management Effective Techniques & Stra
K. Grude

Goal directed project management (GDPM) is a unique methodology that has been developed and refined by the authors over 20 years. During this period, GDPM has been adopted as a standard approach by or...

Art of Insurgency American Military Policy & Failure of Stra
Art of Insurgency American Military Policy & Failure of Stra
Donald W. Hamilton

This study develops a working model of insurgency, explaining it as both a unique method and type of war-making. Findings include the inability of policymakers to perceive a potential insurgency in Vi...

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