
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "z regal gory", znaleziono 5

Moys Classification & Thesaurus for Legal Materials
Moys Classification & Thesaurus for Legal Materials
E. Moys

This is the latest edition of Elizabeth M. Moys

Legal & Regulatory Framework for Environmental
Legal & Regulatory Framework for Environmental

Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), a procedure for evaluating the impact of proposed activities on the environment, is a growing reality in Africa, and in 24 Sub-Saharan African countries, EIA is...

Legal Responses to Trafficking in Women for Sexual
Legal Responses to Trafficking in Women for Sexual
Heli Askola

The phenomenon of trafficking in women for sexual exploitation, which in the last decade has changed from a marginal 'non-issue' to a legitimate concern in many parts of the world, has become familiar...

Contracts & Legal Environment for Engineers & Architects 7e
Contracts & Legal Environment for Engineers & Architects 7e
J. Bockrath

The seventh edition of Contracts and the Legal Environment for Engineers and Architects has been written for students in the engineering and architecture fields to teach the basic principles of the la...

New Legal Framework for E-commerce in Europe
New Legal Framework for E-commerce in Europe
Lilian Edwards

This collection of essays by well known specialists drawn from academe and practice in e-commerce and Internet law, analyses recent crucial European legislation which attempts to set up a legal regime...

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