
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "literary dudala", znaleziono 18

A cognitive approach to equivalence in literary translation
A cognitive approach to equivalence in literary translation
Monika Linke

Niniejsza monografia rozwija propozycję zastosowania językoznawstwa kognitywnego do badań nad przekładem literackim. Rozważania rozpoczyna przedstawienie sposobu, w jaki przekład literacki traktowany ...

Literary History Towards a Global Perspective 4 vols
Literary History Towards a Global Perspective 4 vols
G. Lindberg Wada

Literary History: Towards a Global Perspective is a research project funded by the Swedish Research Council (VetenskapsrAYdet). Initiated in 1996 and launched in 1999, it aims at finding suitable meth...

Socialized Fiction: Role-Playing Games as a Multidimensional Space of Interaction between Literary Theory and Practice
Socialized Fiction: Role-Playing Games as a Multidimensional Space of Interaction between Literary Theory and Practice

Rozprawa pani Agaty Zarzyckiej jest udaną próbą wprzęgnięcia post strukturalistycznych narzędzi badawczych w analizę zjawiska narracyjnych gier fabularnych. Choć same gry są obecne w kulturze już dobr...

Literary Masterpieces vol.8
Literary Masterpieces vol.8

Gale takes literary research to a new level with this ongoing series composed of three mini-series. Convenient, comprehensive and targeted to current coursework, Gale Study Guides to Great Literature ...

Literary Topics vol.5 Magic Realism
Literary Topics vol.5 Magic Realism

Gale takes literary research to a new level with this ongoing series composed of three mini-series. Convenient, comprehensive and targeted to current coursework, Gale Study Guides to Great Literature ...

Literary Masters vol.8 Albert Camus
Literary Masters vol.8 Albert Camus

Gale takes literary research to a new level with this ongoing series composed of three mini-series. Convenient, comprehensive and targeted to current coursework, Gale Study Guides to Great Literature ...

Literary Topics vol.6 Southern Renaissance
Literary Topics vol.6 Southern Renaissance

Gale takes literary research to a new level with this ongoing series composed of three mini-series. Convenient, comprehensive and targeted to current coursework, Gale Study Guides to Great Literature ...

Literary Masters vol.2 Ernest Hemingway
Literary Masters vol.2 Ernest Hemingway
Michael Reynolds

Gale takes literary research to a new level with this ongoing series composed of three mini-series. Convenient, comprehensive and targeted to current coursework, Gale Study Guides to Great Literature ...

Literary Masters vol.1 F. Scott Fitzgerald
Literary Masters vol.1 F. Scott Fitzgerald
M. Bruccoli

Gale takes literary research to a new level with this ongoing series composed of three mini-series. Convenient, comprehensive and targeted to current coursework, Gale Study Guides to Great Literature ...

Literary Masterpieces vol.1 The Great Gatsby
Literary Masterpieces vol.1 The Great Gatsby
R. Lathbury

Gale takes literary research to a new level with this ongoing series composed of three mini-series. Convenient, comprehensive and targeted to current coursework, Gale Study Guides to Great Literature ...

Literary Masters vol.5 Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Literary Masters vol.5 Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Gale takes literary research to a new level with this ongoing series composed of three mini-series. Convenient, comprehensive and targeted to current coursework, Gale Study Guides to Great Literature ...

English Handbook A Guide to Literary Studies
English Handbook A Guide to Literary Studies
W. Whitla

"The English Handbook: A Guide to Literary Studies" is a comprehensive textbook, providing essential practical and analytical reading and writing skills for literature students at all levels. With adv...

Literary Topics vol.9 Chinese American Writers
Literary Topics vol.9 Chinese American Writers

Gale takes literary research to a new level with this ongoing series composed of three mini-series. Convenient, comprehensive and targeted to current coursework, Gale Study Guides to Great Literature ...

Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction
Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction
Jonathan Culler
Cykl: Very Short Introductions, tom 4

Literary Masterpieces vol.2 The Sun Also Rises
Literary Masterpieces vol.2 The Sun Also Rises
J. Defazio

Gale takes literary research to a new level with this ongoing series composed of three mini-series. Convenient, comprehensive and targeted to current coursework, Gale Study Guides to Great Literature ...

Literary Topics vol.2 Ernest Hemingway & the Expatriate
Literary Topics vol.2 Ernest Hemingway & the Expatriate

Gale takes literary research to a new level with this ongoing series composed of three mini-series. Convenient, comprehensive and targeted to current coursework, Gale Study Guides to Great Literature ...

Oxford History of Literary Translation in English V 3
Oxford History of Literary Translation in English V 3
S. Gillespie

This groundbreaking five-volume history runs from the Middle Ages to the year 2000. It is a critical history, treating translations wherever appropriate as literary works in their own right, and revea...

Oxford History of Literary Translation in English V 4
Oxford History of Literary Translation in English V 4
P. France

This groundbreaking five-volume history runs from the Middle Ages to the year 2000. It is a critical history, treating translations wherever appropriate as literary works in their own right, and revea...

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