Książka ?Jak zostać Dobrym Magiem, a nie Złym Czarownikiem? jest doskonałym przewodnikiem w procesie samorozwoju, swoistą ?instrukcją obsługi umysłu?. Porusza zagadnienia relacji między ludźmi, socjot...
Myślisz, że trudno zmienić świat? Mylisz się. Możesz mieć wpływ na to, jak żyjemy. Możesz dokonać wielkich rzeczy, ale musisz zacząć od siebie. Każdy dzień rozpoczynaj od wykonania jakiejś drobnej czy...
Max Payton lives by two rules: Size and strength win any fight, and never show weakness. When a rash of assaults sends Bowler University for a tail spin, Max volunteers to help teach a self-defense c...
Wydana we wrześniu 2007, brak polskiego tłumaczenia. The story is about a teenage girl named Hana. She is lonely and unpopular at school, so she spends most of her time on the internet creating “vari...
Brak polskiego tłmumaczenia WICKED WISH-CRAFT? Hana’s life as a loner–in school and at home–brightens only when she’s masquerading as someone else online or chilling with her imaginary BFF (Best Fri...
'Annemarie Schimmel's translation of Nasir-i Khusraw s qasidahs also included a detailed study of the poet and his work. A great thinker of the early Islamic world, whose writing inspired the intellec...
Helps you to learn to: tell a story aloud, read the story yourself.
How to Make Money as a Mediator (and Create Value for Everyone) is an invaluable and inspirational resource filled with practical, proven, and down-to-earth information on how you can develop a satisf...
The history-making, ground-breaking speeches of Greta Thunberg, the young activist who has become the voice of a generation 'Everything needs to change. And it has to start today' In August 2018 a ...
Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs are back! Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs see some ducklings hatching and wish they could have one of their own. But it's the wrong time for wishing, so they ...
Helps you to learn: to tell a story aloud, to read the story yourself.
Make a killing on eBay and other online auction sites With more than 50 million users in 27 countries, eBay allows even the busiest people to make money selling anything and everything. Written by one...
Imagine opening a store...and more than 150 million people showing up. That's the power of selling on eBay. More than 100,000 people have used the first edition of How to Sell Anything on eBay...and M...
For 25 years, "Entrepreneur" magazine has been advising people on how to start their own businesses. Now, "Entrepreneur" focuses that expertise on the hottest new way to start a business: on eBay! "Ma...
Illustrated with dozens of real-life examples, this guide for business leaders introduces seven techniques for mastering time. The focus is on the development of an intuitive sense of timing known as ...
Everyone knows someone they would describe as charismatic . They always make a strong and lasting first impression, have an air of confidence and a true presence. They build good rapport with people, ...