
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "przy ☢ lotte i oraz", znaleziono 4

Jak powstał Harry Potter : wywiad z Joanne K. Rowling
Jak powstał Harry Potter : wywiad z Joanne K. Rowling
Lindsey Fraser

Lindsey Fraser, wybitna znawczyni i entuzjastka literatury dziecięcej, pyta Joanne K. Rowling o jej błyskotliwą karierę, a także o przeżycia z dzieciństwa, wspomnienia ze szkoły i studiów, o ukochane ...

Letter to a Christian Nation
2 wydania
Letter to a Christian Nation
Sam Harris

From the new afterword by the author: Humanity has had a long fascination with blood sacrifice. In fact, it has been by no means uncommon for a child to be born into this world only to be patiently a...

Notte e giorno
Notte e giorno
Virginia Woolf

Notte e giorno è il secondo romanzo di Virginia Woolf, scritto tra il 1917 e il 1918, e pubblicato l'anno seguente. Al centro della narrazione è Katharine Hilbery, giovane donna appartenente a una fa...

Children’s Literature: A Reader’s History from Aesop to Harry Potter
Children’s Literature: A Reader’s History from Aesop to Harry Potter
Seth Lerer

Ever since children have learned to read, there has been children’s literature. Children’s Literature charts the makings of the Western literary imagination from Aesop’s fables to Mother Goose, from A...

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