Dwudziestowieczny naukowiec nie mógł się spotkać ze skandynawskimi bogami... Nie można zaczarować zwykłej miotły tak, by latała... Piękna dziewczyna nie może się zmienić w postać ze śniegu... Giganci,...
Książka na podstawie filmu "Conan Barbarzyńca" z 1982 roku.
"Conan bukanier" to ta sama książka co "Conan korsarz" z tej samej serii, tylko w innym tłumaczeniu.
21 opowiadań dwóch klasyków amerykańskiej sf. Frederik Pohl - Farmer na ulicach miasta Frederik Pohl – Fermi i Mróz Frederik Pohl - 23 słowa Frederik Pohl - Dajmy szansę mrówkom Frederik Pohl - Dora...
Nigdy nie jest łatwo być rycerzem, a zwłaszcza Eudorykowi Damberstonowi, któremu zdecydowanie bardziej odpowiada kupiectwo niż niepraktyczne ideały rycerstwa. Weźmy na przykład tak prostą, zdawałoby s...
Ostatni tom serii, tłumaczony z języka rosyjskiego. Trzy opowiadania: Conan i widmo przeszłości - Duncan MacGregor Niewolnicy Otchłani - Kevin Rose Zamek strachu (The Castle of Terror) - L. Sprague...
Zawartość zbioru: WSTĘP (Camp) - Przekleństwo monolitu (Camp, Carter) - Okrwawiony bóg (Howard, Camp) - Córka lodowego olbrzyma (Howard) - Gniazdo lodowego robaka (Camp, Carter) - Królowa Czarnego W...
"Wstęp" L. Sprague de Camp "The Return of Conan" (Björn Nyberg, L. Sprague de Camp) "Era Hyboryjska, cz.2" (Robert E. Howard)
Czy dziś, w XXI wieku, wciąż da się zaobserwować spektakularne oznaki aktywności mocy Bożej w życiu człowieka wiary, tak jak to było w czasach apostolskich? Czy dar języków, prorokowania i uzdrawiania...
Antologia zawiera najciekawsze opowiadania (11) z niedoszłego kwartalnika "Słoneczny wiatr".
Antologia opowiadań science fiction pod redakcją Gardnera Dozois. Gardner Dozois już od ponad dziesięciu lat jest redaktorem naczelnym "Asimov's Science Fiction". W tym czasie wielokrotnie zdobywał Hu...
A multi-author work with contributions from key investigators in the septin field. Coverage includes: Septins in different model organisms (yeast, worm, fly, mammals) Septin evolution Septin genomics...
'Sell the Hall unseen; burn it to the ground and plough the earth withsalt, if you will; but never live there.' London, the 1880s. A young girl grows up in a household marked by death,her father dista...
'I have quite changed my mind. I am going to run away and become a boy.' In these three stories, written by Djuna Barnes under the pseudonym Lydia Steptoe, three characters find themselves on the bri...
For introductory statics courses found in mechanical engineering, civil engineering, aeronautical engineering, and engineering mechanics departments. This best-selling text offers a concise and thorou...
What is a statin? It is the most powerful lipid-lowering agent yet produced. Its main action is to lower the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol level, thereby reducing the overall cholesterol ...
Now in its updated Second Edition, this handbook provides the key information necessary to diagnose and treat headache. The information is presented in a practical and highly accessible manner. This e...
In this book, Professor Victor Dubowitz manages to bridge the gap between clinical syndromes/disorders and their underlying pathologies. An internationally renowned figure in the field of muscle disea...
"Steptoe weaves tribal culture and history, magic and mystery in this version of the timeless moral lesson of pride going before the fall."-New York Times.
As the first text of its kind, "The Speaker's Handbook" has established itself as both an invaluable reference for the individual speaker and an excellent textbook for use in the public speaking cours...
Dirk Barnevelt knew he wasn't a hero, but somebody had to find the explorer who'd vanished on the low-tech planet, Krisha and to do that, somebody had to single-handedly rescue a beautiful princess fr...
Welcome back to the planet Krishna--a wilderness of blue woods under three moons, where square-riggers sail the treacherous inland seas, where fierce, humanoid natives with feathery antennae cross swo...
Percy Mjipa, diplomat-adventurer, and Alicia Dyckman, interplanetary runaway, both aliens on the alien world of Krishna, are swept up in wildly treacherous--and wildly funny--imperial intrigue. At sta...
Kirk Salazar, devout intellectual, had quite been looking forward to his field research on Sunga. He aimed to discover how the stump-tailed, semi-arboreal kusis lived without being injured within the ...
When Fergus Reith agree to act as tour guide for the famed palaeontologist Dr Aristide Marot, little does he realise that the search for the elusive Ozymandias will uncover spectacular riches, ruthles...
Wrestling Reptiloids is no job for milquetoasts. Mild-mannered Terran archaeologist Keith Salazar was just minding his own business, digging up the alien past on an out-of-the-way site on the planet ...
The Producer thinks he's God's gift to women - whether they're human or alien. The Director is delighted to work on a wild and woolly planet, where he can really behave like Attila the Hun. Some of th...