
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sf na eric i", znaleziono 15

Study of Bible in Carolingian Era
Study of Bible in Carolingian Era
C. Chazelle

Scholars in the fields of history, theology, art history, and English, most of whom teach in the US (two are in Germany and France), have written the dozen articles that make up this volume on aspects...

Between complexity of law and lack of order. Philosophy of law in the era of globalization
Between complexity of law and lack of order. Philosophy of law in the era of globalization

The book tackles significant contemporary problems that each historian of law faces in the light of present decline of philosophical, ethical and ideological canons in the overall context of western c...

Passage Of Arms Eric Ambler
Passage Of Arms Eric Ambler
Eric Ambler

In this classic thriller, two American tourists find more adventure than they bargained for when they get involved with Chinese gun smugglers and Muslim revolutionaries, learning first hand about the ...

New Era of Management
New Era of Management
R. Daft

This is the latest book from Cengage Learning on "New Era of Management, International Edition".

End of the American Era
End of the American Era
C. Kupchan

Refuting the conventional wisdom that the end of the Cold War cleared the way for an era of peace and prosperity led solely by the United States, Charles A. Kupchan contends that the next challenge to...

Jewel of the Endless Erg
Jewel of the Endless Erg
John Bierce
Cykl: Mage Errant, tom 2

After surviving Skyhold's deadly labyrinth, Hugh and his friends are looking forwards to an uneventful summer. Their teacher Alustin has chartered a sandship for a training expedition into the vast s...

Labor in the Era of Globalization
Labor in the Era of Globalization
C. Brown

The third quarter of the twentieth century was a golden age for labor in the advanced industrial countries, characterized by rising incomes, relatively egalitarian wage structures, and reasonable leve...

Encyclopedia of the Reconstruction Era 2 vols
Encyclopedia of the Reconstruction Era 2 vols
R. Zuczek

In American history, "Reconstruction" is the term applied to the period 1862-1877, when the United States sought to bring order from the tremendous changes wrought by the Civil War. The Encyclopedia i...

Jeweled Splendours of the Art Deco Era
Jeweled Splendours of the Art Deco Era
Aga Khan Princess Catherine

One Christmas Eve, Prince Sanruddin Aga Khan gave to his wife a magnificent jeweled box made by Cartier in the 1930s. So began the making of perhaps the most remarkable jewelry collection of a remarka...

Daughter of Dreams: Book One of Elric: The Moonbeam Roads
Daughter of Dreams: Book One of Elric: The Moonbeam Roads
Michael Moorcock
Cykl: Elric: The Moonbeam Roads, tom 1
Seria: The Michael Moorcock Collection

'My name is Ulric, Graf von Bek, and I am the last of my earthly line.' As Nazism engulfs the Fatherland, the albino Ulric von Bek battles to keep the occult blade Ravenbrand from being taken by Adolf...

Translation & Gender Translation in the "Era of Feminism"
Translation & Gender Translation in the "Era of Feminism"
L. Flotow

Translation practice, translation theory and translation criticism have all been affected by the focus on gender. With the dismantling of "universal" meaning and the struggle for women's visibility in...

Distressed US Industries in the Era of Globalization
Distressed US Industries in the Era of Globalization
Lall Ramrattan

This book presents analyses of several distressed industries in the United States, including the steel, footwear, textile and apparel, paper and publishing, and automobile industries. It particularly ...

PSI Classics of the Counterinsurgency Era 4 vols
PSI Classics of the Counterinsurgency Era 4 vols
M. Gittell

America's current involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan has drawn the attention of policymakers, military analysts, and the general public to the lessons of the counterinsurgency era of the 1950s and 19...

Destiny's Brother: Book Three of Elric: The Moonbeam Roads
Destiny's Brother: Book Three of Elric: The Moonbeam Roads
Michael Moorcock
Cykl: Elric: The Moonbeam Roads, tom 2
Seria: The Michael Moorcock Collection

Moorcock's Multiverse presents for the first time, definitive editions of Michael Moorcock's most influential work, fully revised and updated by the author. 'I am Oona, the shape-taker, Grafin von Be...

Cyprus and the Devotional Arts of Byzantium in the Era of the Crusades
Cyprus and the Devotional Arts of Byzantium in the Era of the Crusades
Annemarie Weyl Carr

Professor Carr is concerned here with the devotional arts of the Byzantine world in the period from the twelfth to the sixteenth century. The first set of studies deals with groups of illuminated manu...

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