This book unveils and formulates the principal features that govern myriads of the molecular self-organization processes in micro-, nano-, and macro-dimensions from the following key representatives s...
This proceedings volume explores the pathways and mechanisms by which constituent residues interact and fold to yield native biological macromolecules (catalytic RNA and functional proteins), how ribo...
Napisana w języku angielskim książka pt. Self-education as a strategy of life. The psycholinguistic profile ofthe Polish student of English (Pl. Autodydaktyczna forma edukacji jako strategia życia. Pr...
Książka jest zbiorem publikacji dokumentujących udział Zakładu Biologii Antarktyki PAN w realizacji narodowego programu badań antarktycznych Zmiany i zmienność ekosystemow polarnych. Prace zawarte w t...
We live in a sea of seething microbial predators, an infinity of invisible and invasive microorganisms capable of setting up shop inside us and sending us to an early grave. The only thing keeping the...
Self-regulation theory focuses on the ways in which individuals direct and monitor their activities and emotions in order to attain their goals. It plays an increasingly important role in health psych...
A collection of essays by leading historians of early modern Europe and the U.S., this books explores how merchants, entrepreneurs, and other early modern capitalists viewed themselves.
The self-assembled nanostructured materials described in this book offer a number of advantages over conventional material technologies in a wide range of sectors. World leaders in the field of self-o...
Over half of all people working on behalf of any given organization are typically not their own employees. Some are freelance contractors working in their own right. A significant proportion is employ...
Angielskojęzyczny poradnik dotyczący hipnozy i sztuki samoleczenia. Psycholog klinicysta prezentuje metody wprowadzania w hipnozę, relaksacji czy walki z bezsenością.
Often referred to as the father of modern theology, F.D.E. Schleiermacher occasioned a revolution in theology having a decisive impact on all subsequent theology. In this original study, Jacqueline M...
The new edition of Schwartz's Principles of Surgery has become the text of choice for all surgeons and residents. And now, a self-assessment and board review book has been developed to accompany the f...
Sef, the Lion of Yesterday (Egyptian Shifters, #3) Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars Sef, the Lion of Yesterday (Egyptian Shifters #3) by Marisa Chenery (Good...
In Volume IV, the focus lies on Rembrandt's self-portraits. During this research it became obvious that matters of authenticity cannot be viewed separately from questions relating to the original func...
Ideas of selfhood, from Descartes' theory of "I think therefore I am" to postmodern notions of the fragmented and de-centred self, have been crucial to the visual arts. Gen Doy explores this relations...