Scholars in the fields of history, theology, art history, and English, most of whom teach in the US (two are in Germany and France), have written the dozen articles that make up this volume on aspects...
Sustainability is not a passing fashion, and people are constantlysearching for more information, products and innovations in this area.Designers, in turn, are responding with elegant, efficient, low-...
W 5 rozdziałach zamieściliśmy 122 zdjęcia. Charakter tego albumu najlepiej oddają słowa autora tekstu: „Gdyby połączyć liniami prostymi najdalej wysunięte krańce naszego kontynentu, to przecięcie tych...
World trade is not only an economic but also a social, political, environmental, labor and legal matter. Economists and government planners aim at finding the efficient trade policy which enhances eco...
This volume examines the role of international law in the Security Council's decisions and decision-making process since the end of the Cold War, with the principle of legality as theoretical framewor...
The book tackles significant contemporary problems that each historian of law faces in the light of present decline of philosophical, ethical and ideological canons in the overall context of western c...
This topical new book offers an authoritative analysis of forced migration in the age of globalization. It looks critically at histories of migration, exploring the constructed nature of the refugee. ...
This volume makes a unique contribution to the literature on nations and nationalism by examining why nations remain a vibrant and strong social cohesive despite the threat of globalization. Regardles...
Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era: Text and Readings combines the major writings of sociology's core contemporary theorists with a historical and theoretical framework for understanding thes...
This book provides a systematic account of the changing priorities, procedures and practices of French NGOs active in overseas development work. It explores whether French NGOs are eschewing wider tre...
Written in a lively and accessible style by leading scholars from eleven countries this is the first global book to provide a thorough examination of the urban challenges now facing city leaders and m...
The third quarter of the twentieth century was a golden age for labor in the advanced industrial countries, characterized by rising incomes, relatively egalitarian wage structures, and reasonable leve...
The advent of the Information Society is marked by the explosive penetration of information technologies in all aspects of life and by a related fundamental transformation in every form of the organiz...
Medical information science requires analytic tools. This is achieved by developing and assessing methods and systems for the acquisition, processing, and interpretation of patient data, aided by scie...
Breast Cancer is the most common tumor in women and the second leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Due to breakthroughs in gene profiling, the knowledge of the pathophysiology of the mammary gl...
Canada's traditional approach to security - "the best defence is a good offence" - became even more entrenched following 9/11. Elinor Sloan challenges this notion, arguing that "defensive" military an...
Here, in a collection of timely and thought-provoking essays, today's leading technology experts explore how the emerging Network Era is creating opportunities for firms that can adapt to the new 'sen...
Translation practice, translation theory and translation criticism have all been affected by the focus on gender. With the dismantling of "universal" meaning and the struggle for women's visibility in...
This book presents analyses of several distressed industries in the United States, including the steel, footwear, textile and apparel, paper and publishing, and automobile industries. It particularly ...
This is an exciting time for those involved in the care of patients with back pain. Generally, the goal in treating back pain patients is to reduce pain and increase function. Traditionally in spine s...
Wskutek wybuchu zimnej wojny Berlin stał się miastem podzielonym pomiędzy 4 zwycięskie kraje: USA, ZSRR, Wielką Brytanię i Francję. Książka poświęcona jest militarnej strategii bezpieczeństwa widzian...
Professor Carr is concerned here with the devotional arts of the Byzantine world in the period from the twelfth to the sixteenth century. The first set of studies deals with groups of illuminated manu...