
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "spatio skam", znaleziono 18

Uczucia skute rymem
Uczucia skute rymem
Zoja Mitkowska

Oddajemy do rąk Czytelników tomik szczególny. Pisane klasyczną poetycką strofą utwory są dziełem rodowitej moskwiczanki, dziennikarki, tłumaczki od lat mieszkającej w Polsce. Pełne nostalgii i niepoko...

Red Skull: Czy śmierć sobie pogrywa? / Red Skull żyje! / Czerwona Strefa
Red Skull: Czy śmierć sobie pogrywa? / Red Skull żyje! / Czerwona Strefa
Jack Kirby, Joe Simon, Stan Lee, Geoff Johns ...
Cykl: Superbohaterowie Marvela, tom 121
Seria: Superzłoczyńcy Marvela

Red Skull nieskończenie wiele razy próbował narzucić światu swoje rządy żelaznej ręki – od mrocznych czasów II wojny światowej aż po dziś dzień. W niniejszym tomie, obok jego pierwszego występu i sta...

Skull Base & Related Structures
Skull Base & Related Structures
J. Lang

The base of the skull is the anatomic border between neurosurgery and ENT respective to oral surgery. From this interdisciplinary area the so-called surgery of the cranial base has developed in the la...

Kapitan Ameryka kontra Red Skull
Kapitan Ameryka kontra Red Skull
Stan Lee, John Marc DeMatteis, Mark Gruenwald, Mark Waid ...
Cykl: Wielkie Pojedynki, tom 9
Seria: Wielkie Pojedynki

Steve Rogers, słynny Kapitan Ameryka, od zawsze walczył z nazizmem. Jednym z najgorszych przeciwników, z jakimi przyszło mu się zmierzyć, jest Red Skull, nikczemny osobnik w służbie Hitlera, zdetermi...

VOXEL-MAN 3D-Navigator Brain & Skull
VOXEL-MAN 3D-Navigator Brain & Skull
K. Hohne

VOXEL-MAN 3D-Navigator: Brain and Skull is a new kind of anatomical and radiolgical atlas. It was developed at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science in Medicine, University Hospital Hambur...

Skull and Bones. Tajemna elita Ameryki
Skull and Bones. Tajemna elita Ameryki
Antony C. Sutton

Każdej wiosny od 1832 roku piętnaście nowych osób otrzymuje propozycję wstąpienia do zakonu Skull and Bones. Po ukończeniu Yale wiele z nich wspina się na szczyty władzy i nadaje kształt światu, w któ...

Chordomas & Chondrosarcomas of the Skull Base & Spine
Chordomas & Chondrosarcomas of the Skull Base & Spine
G. Harsh

Written by a world-class team of multidisciplinary experts, here is the first definitive reference on these two highly challenging tumors occurring in the skull base and spine. Covering everything fro...

Facial Nerve in Temporal Bone & Lateral Skull Base
Facial Nerve in Temporal Bone & Lateral Skull Base
Mario Sanna, Tarek Khrais, Fernando Mancini

Professor Sanna's seventh Thieme book is an incomparable surgical atlas on the management of the facial nerve in the various surgical situations and pathologies encountered in temporal bone and latera...

Atlas of Cranio-Facial and Skull Base Surgery
Atlas of Cranio-Facial and Skull Base Surgery
P. Cappabianca

This atlas, organized in two sections -neurosurgical section and maxillo-facial section- provides a comprehensive overview of the most modern surgical techniques in cranio-facial and skull base surger...

Atlas of Microsurgery of the Temporal Bone & Lateral Skull B
Atlas of Microsurgery of the Temporal Bone & Lateral Skull B
Mario Sanna

Recent advances in skull base surgery are revolutionizing the field. Besides the critical location issue, the major problem in lateral skull base surgery is understanding the complex relations between...

Scott Manda

Ancient wisdom predicts the end of the world with uncanny precision. Butit also provided the key to staving off apocalypse: a flawless sapphire ofincomparable beauty carved into the perfect likeness o...

The Skull Dragon’s Precious Daughter Vol. 1
The Skull Dragon’s Precious Daughter Vol. 1
Ichi Yukishiro

A wholesome fantasy tale–first published digitally in English by J-Novel Club–about family bonds that transcend species!In a faraway land, there exists a forest where all manner of beings go to dispos...

Scott Manda

An ancient skull with a terrible legacy has just been found. It signalsthat the end of the world starts now. . . . . Ancient wisdom predicts the end of the world with uncanny precision. Butit also pro...

The Skull Throne
The Skull Throne
Peter V. Brett
Cykl: Demon Cycle, tom 4

The Skull Throne of Krasia stands empty. Built from the skulls of fallen generals and demon princes, it is a seat of honor and ancient, powerful magic, keeping the demon corelings at bay. From atop ...

2012 the Crystal Skull
2012 the Crystal Skull
M. Scott

Edgar nominee Scott (No Good Deed) mixes adventure, supernatural phenomena and cryptography to create a fast-paced supernatural thriller. Mayan apocalyptic astronomical documents chillingly predict th...

Photo Atlas of Skull Base Dissection
Photo Atlas of Skull Base Dissection
M. Wanibuchi

This photo atlas is a presentation of a series of step-by-step anatomic dissections as seen from the eye of an operating neurosurgeon. The book contains 1100 high-quality color illustrations, as well ...

Atlas of Skull Base Surgery and Neurotology
Atlas of Skull Base Surgery and Neurotology
R. Jackler

The second edition of "Atlas of Skull Base Surgery and Neurotology" presents an up-to-date reference for the latest techniques in the challenging area of skull base surgery. Greatly expanded in this e...

Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy for Benign Skull Base Tumors
R. Battista

Benign tumors of the base of the skull, such as acoustic neuroma, glomus jugulare and meningiomas will commonly cause symptoms referable to the realm of an otolaryngologist. Specifically, the symptoms...

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