Most innovations in the car industry are based on software and electronics, and IT will soon constitute the major production cost factor. It seems almost certain that embedded IT security will be cruc...
Maxillofacial imaging has evolved dramatically over the past two decades with development of new cross-sectional imaging techniques. Traditional maxillofacial imaging was based on plain films and dent...
The only work available to treat the theory of turbulent flow with suspended particles, this book also includes a section on simulation methods, comparing the model results obtained with the PDF metho...
This book consists of contributions given in honor of Wolfgang J.R. Hoefer. Space and time discretizing time domain methods for electromagnetic full-wave simulation have emerged as key numerical metho...
Książka stanowi wyczerpujące opracowanie dotyczące zasobów trzmieli na obszarze Polski w ostatnich 150 latach i jest efektem badań w ramach projektu BioCASE z V i VI Programu Ramowego Unii Europejskie...
The titles in this practical series of monographs are substantial paperbacks, exciting leisure reading, and useful reference works all in one. They are not only far more informative than any museum br...
This updated statistical atlas presents key health figures for the WHO European Region. They cover basic data on populations, births, deaths, life expectancy and diseases, lifestyle and environmental ...
Przedmiotem zainteresowania Autorki są polskie drukowane katolickie kazania pogrzebowe autorstwa Andrzeja Kochanowskiego i - kontekstowo - karmelitów bosych. Wybór ten wynika z wielu przesłanek. Jedną...
This book is a result of research on both theory and practice of capital flows in the global economy. The research has been performed by a team of economics from the Collegium of Business Administrat...
Ósmy tom przygód Spider-Mana ze scenariuszami Nicka Spencera wydanych w kolekcji Marvel Fresh. Spider-Man nie może być w czterech miejscach naraz... A może jednak?! Życie Petera Parkera jest, jak zwy...
This atlas is one of the most comprehensive compilations of available resources for epilepsy ever attempted, providing an illustrative presentation of information on the current status of epilepsy ser...
The book is superbly illustrated by 92 full coloured plates. Application of modern techniques, including colour and close-up photography, has allowed demonstration of the extremely detailed preservati...
Confocal microscopy with laser scanning technology yields in-vivo images of ocular and ocular adnexal surfaces that are so brilliant that they rival histology in terms of quality. This unique atlas an...
Album przedstawia skomplikowane dzieje miasta, pokazuje jego urokliwe zaułki, architekturę i historyczne wnętrza, które decydują o wyjątkowości tego śląskiego grodu nad Odrą. Wydanie w wersji polsko -...
Publikacja z serii Felberg English Readers dla uczących się języka angielskiego na poziomie średnim niższym. Akcja opowieści osadzona jest w polskich realiach lat 30. XX wieku. Oto doświadczony kasiar...
You can run from the grave, but you can't hide . . . Half-vampire CatCrawfield is now Special Agent Cat Crawfield, working for the government torid the world of the rogue undead. She's still using eve...
The holidays had come and gone, and Doyle was chafing to get back home to London, so as to start being productive, again. Acton’s hereditary estate was grand indeed, but there was something a bit off...
Tragedy and circumstance land Emily in a job least suited for a former diva and introverted only child—Sorority House Mom. And, in a fixer upper ! Responsibility! Roommates! Budgeting! Adulting! Repe...
One of the breakout hits from DC Comics – The New 52! In these tales from issues #1-6 of the new series, Buddy Baker has gone from "super" man to family man – but is he strong enough to hold his famil...
Explore smoking craters and lava landscapes, wander through lush rain forests and wildlife sanctuaries, scale dizzying peaks and spectacular sea cliffs - Lonely Planet guides you to the best hiking on...
This title is a "Sunday Times" Bestseller. In "A Lotus Grows in the Mud", Goldie Hawn takes us on an inspiring odyssey and, with her trademark effervescent humour, reveals the lessons she's learned an...
The channels and mechanisms of knowledge flows define the links that make up production and innovation systems. As such, they relate directly or indirectly to all policies that affect such systems. Kn...
Completely updated for its Fourth Edition, this atlas provides detailed, step-by-step instructions on procedures performed in the neonatal intensive care nursery. In an easy-to-follow outline format, ...
Foot Problems in Older People provides a comprehensive guide to the assessment and management of foot and ankle problems in older people. Areas covered include the epidemiology of foot problems, funct...
This unique book gives the reader a comprehensive and accessible account of the foot and ankle in rheumatoid arthritis. The authorial team consists of both rheumatologists and podiatrists who are base...
Studies of convection in geophysical flows constitute an advanced and rapidly developing area of research that is relevant to problems of the natural environment. During the last decade, significant p...
Now Brando looked at people with assurance, and with what can only be called a pitying expression, as though he dwelt in spheres of enlightenment where they, to his regret, did not. This mesmerizing p...
Ballet is an exquisitely sophisticated and elegant art form. However its seeming ease and gracefulness belie the underlying physical stress. Much of a dancer's ability is reliant on favorable anatomy,...
Robert Hillman, 16, lives a Walter Mittyesque existence in rural Australia. Disliked by his stepmother and misunderstood by his father, Bobby fantasises about finding an island paradise in the Indian ...