Zawartość zbioru:
- Dom Arabu (The House of Arabu)
- Jasnowłosa bogini Bal-sagoth (The Blonde Goddess of Bal-sagoth)
- Dolina zaginionych (The Valley of the Lost)
- Głos El-lila (The Voice of El-lil)
- Przekleństwo złotej czaszki (The curse of the Golden Skull)
- Wyspa eonów (The Isle of the Eons)
- Dom Arabu (The House of Arabu)
- Jasnowłosa bogini Bal-sagoth (The Blonde Goddess of Bal-sagoth)
- Dolina zaginionych (The Valley of the Lost)
- Głos El-lila (The Voice of El-lil)
- Przekleństwo złotej czaszki (The curse of the Golden Skull)
- Wyspa eonów (The Isle of the Eons)