Musicie wiedzieć, iż jesteśmy bardzo blisko was w miejscach, o których wam się nawet nie śniło – słowa te wypowiedziane przez dowódcę irańskich Sił Qods generała Kassema Solejmaniego pod adresem prez...
Getting cut in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi and being rejected by his former Sith Master Darth Sidious isn't going to defeat Darth Maul. In fact, it only makes him mad enough to take on the galaxy - with a...
W historii Ameryki tylko czterech oficerów awansowano do stopnia pięciogwiazdkowych admirałów floty: Williama Leahy’ego, Ernesta Kinga, Chestera Nimitza i Williama Halseya. Byli to najlepsi, najwybitn...
Musial: From Stash to Stan the Man is the most comprehensive assessment of baseball legend Stan Musial's life and career to date. Musial, better known as Stan the Man, was born in 1920 to a Polish imm...
This collection of all of Stan Shiels articles which covered specific topics of importance to pump engineers. The result is a volume which is enjoyable and instructive to read,containing facts and opi...